
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Selecting and deleting all from the cE=true element with cE=false element at the beginning</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../include/editor-test-utils.js"></script>

<div contenteditable></div>

    const utils = new EditorTestUtils( document.querySelector( 'div[contenteditable]' ) );

    test( () => {
      utils.setupEditingHost( `<div contenteditable="false" id="cefalse-beginning">&nbsp;</div>
        <p id="paragraph-beginning">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>` );

      const cefalse = document.querySelector( '#cefalse-beginning' );
      const paragraph = document.querySelector( '#paragraph-beginning' );

      document.execCommand( 'selectAll' );
      document.execCommand( 'delete' );

      assert_false( cefalse.isConnected, 'cE=false element should be removed' );
      assert_false( paragraph.isConnected, 'paragraph should be removed' );
    }, 'cE=false elements can be removed from the beginning of the cE=true elements' );

    test( () => {
      utils.setupEditingHost( `<p id="paragraph-end">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
        <div contenteditable="false" id="cefalse-end">&nbsp;</div>` );

      const cefalse = document.querySelector( '#cefalse-end' );
      const paragraph = document.querySelector( '#paragraph-end' );

      document.execCommand( 'selectAll' );
      document.execCommand( 'delete' );

      assert_false( cefalse.isConnected, 'cE=false element should be removed' );
      assert_false( paragraph.isConnected, 'paragraph should be removed' );
    }, 'cE=false elements can be removed from the end of the cE=true elements' );

    test( () => {
      utils.setupEditingHost( `<div contenteditable="false" id="cefalse-boundaries-beginning">&nbsp;</div>
        <p id="paragraph-boundaries">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
        <div contenteditable="false" id="cefalse-boundaries-end">&nbsp;</div>` );

      const cefalseBeginning = document.querySelector( '#cefalse-boundaries-beginning' );
      const cefalseEnd = document.querySelector( '#cefalse-boundaries-end' );
      const paragraph = document.querySelector( '#paragraph-boundaries' );

      document.execCommand( 'selectAll' );
      document.execCommand( 'delete' );

      assert_false( cefalseBeginning.isConnected, 'cE=false element at the beginning should be removed' );
      assert_false( cefalseEnd.isConnected, 'cE=false element at the end should be removed' );
      assert_false( paragraph.isConnected, 'paragraph should be removed' );
    }, 'cE=false elements can be removed from the boundaries of the cE=true elements' );