
This is a testharness.js-based test.
[FAIL] insertHTML with "<span style="background-color:rgb(0, 255, 255)">abc</span>" into <b>[]def</b>
  assert_equals: document.queryCommandValue("hilitecolor") expected "rgb(0, 255, 255))" but got ""
[FAIL] insertHTML with "<span style="background-color:rgb(0, 255, 255)">def</span>" into <b>abc[]</b>
  assert_equals: document.queryCommandValue("hilitecolor") expected "rgb(0, 255, 255))" but got ""
[FAIL] insertHTML with "<span style="background-color:rgb(0, 255, 255)">b</span>" into <b>a[]c</b>
  assert_equals: document.queryCommandValue("hilitecolor") expected "rgb(0, 255, 255))" but got ""
Harness: the test ran to completion.