
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div contenteditable></div>
"use strict";
let editor = document.querySelector("div[contenteditable]");
let selection = document.getSelection();

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "<i>will be removed</i> abc";
  selection.collapse(editor.lastChild, editor.lastChild.length);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<i>will be removed</i> abc<br><br>",
                "<br> element should be inserted by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<i>will be removed</i> abc",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, " abc<br><br>",
                "<br> element should be inserted by execCommand(\"redo\")");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") after removing prior sibling with DOM API after undoing");

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "abc";
  selection.collapse(editor.firstChild, editor.firstChild.length);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "abc<br><br>",
                "<br> element should be inserted by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "abc",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  let i = document.createElement("i");
  i.textContent = " appended text";
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "abc<i> appended text</i><br><br>",
                "<br> element should be appended by execCommand(\"redo\") after the appended text");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") after appending new child with DOM API after undoing");

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "abc";
  selection.collapse(editor.firstChild, editor.firstChild.length);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "abc<br><br>",
                "<br> element should be inserted by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "abc",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  let i = document.createElement("i");
  i.textContent = "inserted text ";
  editor.insertBefore(i, editor.firstChild);
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<i>inserted text </i>abc<br><br>",
                "<br> element should be appended by execCommand(\"redo\") after the appended text");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") after inserting new child with DOM API after undoing");

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "<b>will be removed</b><i>abc</i>";
  selection.collapse(editor.querySelector("b").firstChild, editor.querySelector("b").firstChild.length);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>will be removed<br></b><i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element should be inserted into the <b> element by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>will be removed</b><i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element shouldn't be restored by execCommand(\"redo\") after removing the <b> element");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") after removing its container with DOM API after undoing");

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "<b>abc</b><i>will be removed</i>";
  selection.collapse(editor.querySelector("b").firstChild, editor.querySelector("b").firstChild.length);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc<br></b><i>will be removed</i>",
                "<br> element should be inserted into the <b> element by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc</b><i>will be removed</i>",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc<br></b>",
                "<br> element should be restored by execCommand(\"redo\") after removing the following <i> element");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") after removing <i> element following the container with DOM API after undoing");

// Not sure whether redoing in both of the following 2 cases should work as so.
test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "<b>will be removed</b><i>abc</i>";
  selection.collapse(editor, 1);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>will be removed</b><br><i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element should be inserted between the <b> and <i> elements by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>will be removed</b><i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<br><i>abc</i>",
                "<br> element should be restored by execCommand(\"redo\") after removing the preceding <b> element");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") between <b> and <i> after removing preceding <b> element with DOM API after undoing");

test(function () {
  editor.innerHTML = "<b>abc</b><i>will be removed</i>";
  selection.collapse(editor, 1);
  document.execCommand("insertLineBreak", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc</b><br><i>will be removed</i>",
                "<br> element should be inserted between the <b> and <i> elements by execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\")");
  document.execCommand("undo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc</b><i>will be removed</i>",
                "<br> element should be removed by execCommand(\"undo\")");
  document.execCommand("redo", false, "");
  assert_equals(editor.innerHTML, "<b>abc</b><br>",
                "<br> element should be restored by execCommand(\"redo\") after removing the following <i> element");
}, "Redo for execCommand(\"insertLineBreak\") between <b> and <i> after after removing following <i> element with DOM API after undoing");