<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Element Timing: observe cross origin images with various Timing-Allow-Origin headers</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/element-timing-helpers.js"></script>
async_test(t => {
assert_implements(window.PerformanceElementTiming, "PerformanceElementTiming is not implemented");
const beforeRender = performance.now();
const remote_img = 'http://{{domains[www]}}:{{ports[http][1]}}/element-timing/resources/TAOImage.py?'
+ 'origin=' + window.location.origin +'&tao=';
const valid_tao = ['wildcard', 'origin', 'multi', 'multi_wildcard', 'match_origin', 'match_wildcard'];
function addImage(tao) {
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = remote_img + tao;
img.setAttribute('elementtiming', tao);
img.id = 'id_' + tao;
valid_tao.forEach(tao => {
const invalid_tao = ['null', 'space', 'uppercase'];
invalid_tao.forEach(tao => {
let img_count = 0;
const total_images = valid_tao.length + invalid_tao.length;
new PerformanceObserver(
t.step_func(entryList => {
entryList.getEntries().forEach(entry => {
const tao = entry.identifier;
const img = document.getElementById('id_' + tao);
if (valid_tao.includes(tao)) {
checkElement(entry, remote_img + tao, tao, 'id_' + tao, beforeRender, img);
} else if (invalid_tao.includes(tao)) {
assert_equals(entry.renderTime, 0, 'Entry with tao=' + tao + ' must have a renderTime of 0');
checkElement(entry, remote_img + tao, tao, 'id_' + tao, 0, img);
else {
assert_unreached('Should be in one of valid_tao OR invalid_tao');
checkNaturalSize(entry, 100, 100);
if (img_count == total_images)
).observe({type: 'element', buffered: true});
}, 'Cross-origin elements with valid TAO have correct renderTime, with invalid TAO have renderTime set to 0.');