function runTest(config, qualifier)
function checkStatusForMinHdcpVersionPolicy(hdcpVersion)
return navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(config.keysystem, getSimpleConfiguration())
.then(function(access) {
return access.createMediaKeys();
.then(function(mediaKeys) {
// As HDCP policy depends on the hardware running this test,
// don't bother checking the result returned as it may or
// may not be supported. This simply verifies that
// getStatusForPolicy() exists and doesn't blow up.
return mediaKeys.getStatusForPolicy({minHdcpVersion: hdcpVersion});
() => checkStatusForMinHdcpVersionPolicy(''),
testnamePrefix(qualifier, config.keysystem) +
' support for empty HDCP version.');
() => checkStatusForMinHdcpVersionPolicy('1.0'),
testnamePrefix(qualifier, config.keysystem) + ' support for HDCP 1.0.');