
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Event Timing: PerformanceObserver with buffered flag and durationThreshold</title>
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<div id='myDiv'>Click me</div>
promise_test(async t => {
  assert_implements(window.PerformanceEventTiming, 'Event Timing is not supported.');
  // Add a PerformanceObserver and observe with a durationThreshold of 30 and buffered flag.
  return new Promise(async resolve1 => {
    // Add a slow click event and make sure it's dispatched to observers.
    await new Promise(async resolve2 => {
      // Observer to await until event entry is dispatched.
      new PerformanceObserver(() => {
      }).observe({type: "event", durationThreshold: 16});
      await clickAndBlockMain('myDiv', { duration: 30 });
    const afterFirstClick =;
    new PerformanceObserver(t.step_func(list => {
      const pointerDowns = list.getEntriesByName('pointerdown');
      pointerDowns.forEach(entry => {
        if (entry.processingStart < afterFirstClick) {
          // It is possible that the first event gets a slow duration and hence gets buffered.
          // In this case the minDuration must be at least 104, otherwise it shouldn't have been
          // buffered.
          verifyClickEvent(entry, 'myDiv', true /* isFirst */);
        } else {
          verifyClickEvent(pointerDowns[0], 'myDiv', false /* isFirst */, 16 /* minDuration*/);
    })).observe({type: 'event', durationThreshold: 16, buffered: true});
    // This should be the only click observed since the other one would not be buffered.
    await clickAndBlockMain('myDiv', { duration: 30 } );
}, "PerformanceObserver buffering independent of durationThreshold");