
 *  Copyright (c) 2016 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.

#include "video/stats_counter.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <map>

#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/strings/string_builder.h"
#include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h"

namespace webrtc {

namespace {
// Default periodic time interval for processing samples.
const int64_t kDefaultProcessIntervalMs =;
const uint32_t kStreamId0 =;
}  // namespace

std::string AggregatedStats::ToString() const {}

std::string AggregatedStats::ToStringWithMultiplier(int multiplier) const {}

// Class holding periodically computed metrics.
class AggregatedCounter {};

// Class holding gathered samples within a process interval.
class Samples {};

// StatsCounter class.
StatsCounter::StatsCounter(Clock* clock,
                           int64_t process_intervals_ms,
                           bool include_empty_intervals,
                           StatsCounterObserver* observer)

StatsCounter::~StatsCounter() {}

AggregatedStats StatsCounter::GetStats() {}

AggregatedStats StatsCounter::ProcessAndGetStats() {}

void StatsCounter::ProcessAndPauseForDuration(int64_t min_pause_time_ms) {}

void StatsCounter::ProcessAndPause() {}

void StatsCounter::ProcessAndStopPause() {}

bool StatsCounter::HasSample() const {}

bool StatsCounter::TimeToProcess(int* elapsed_intervals) {}

void StatsCounter::Add(int sample) {}

void StatsCounter::Set(int64_t sample, uint32_t stream_id) {}

void StatsCounter::SetLast(int64_t sample, uint32_t stream_id) {}

// Reports periodically computed metric.
void StatsCounter::ReportMetricToAggregatedCounter(
    int value,
    int num_values_to_add) const {}

void StatsCounter::TryProcess() {}

bool StatsCounter::IncludeEmptyIntervals() const {}
void StatsCounter::ResumeIfMinTimePassed() {}

void StatsCounter::Resume() {}

// StatsCounter sub-classes.
AvgCounter::AvgCounter(Clock* clock,
                       StatsCounterObserver* observer,
                       bool include_empty_intervals)

void AvgCounter::Add(int sample) {}

bool AvgCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int AvgCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

MaxCounter::MaxCounter(Clock* clock,
                       StatsCounterObserver* observer,
                       int64_t process_intervals_ms)

void MaxCounter::Add(int sample) {}

bool MaxCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int MaxCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

PercentCounter::PercentCounter(Clock* clock, StatsCounterObserver* observer)

void PercentCounter::Add(bool sample) {}

bool PercentCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int PercentCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

PermilleCounter::PermilleCounter(Clock* clock, StatsCounterObserver* observer)

void PermilleCounter::Add(bool sample) {}

bool PermilleCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int PermilleCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

RateCounter::RateCounter(Clock* clock,
                         StatsCounterObserver* observer,
                         bool include_empty_intervals)

void RateCounter::Add(int sample) {}

bool RateCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int RateCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

RateAccCounter::RateAccCounter(Clock* clock,
                               StatsCounterObserver* observer,
                               bool include_empty_intervals)

void RateAccCounter::Set(int64_t sample, uint32_t stream_id) {}

void RateAccCounter::SetLast(int64_t sample, uint32_t stream_id) {}

bool RateAccCounter::GetMetric(int* metric) const {}

int RateAccCounter::GetValueForEmptyInterval() const {}

}  // namespace webrtc