<!doctype html>
<title>allow/sandbox attr changed after document creation, before response</title>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
let lastCallbackId = 0;
const callbacks = {};
function postMessageToFrame(frame, cb, id) {
callbacks[id] = cb;
frame.contentWindow.postMessage('test', '*');
step_timeout(() => {
if (id in callbacks) {
delete callbacks[id];
}, 1000);
window.onmessage = function(e) {
const message = e.data;
const id = message['id'];
const callback = callbacks[id];
delete callbacks[id];
// @param {string} url
// @param {Function} iframe_pre_nav_callback - a callback with signature (iframe) => () which gets
// triggered before setting src attribute.
// @param {Function} iframe_post_nav_callback - a callback with signature (iframe) => () which gets
// triggered after setting src attribute but before commit
// of navigation.
// @param {Function} result_handler - a callback that handles the result posted back from iframe.
// @param {string} test_name
function timing_test(url,
result_handler, test_name) {
async_test((t) => {
var id = ++lastCallbackId;
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
callbacks[id] = t.step_func((result) => {
assert_equals(result, 'ready');
postMessageToFrame(iframe, t.step_func_done(result_handler), id);
iframe.src = url + '?id=' + id;
}, test_name);
const path = location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
const same_origin = path;
const cross_origin = "https://{{domains[www1]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}" + path;
const cameraUrl = 'feature-policy-frame-policy-timing-iframe-camera.https.sub.html';
function disallowCamera(iframe) { iframe.allow = "camera 'none'"; }
function allowCamera(iframe) { iframe.allow = 'camera *'; }
function verifyCamera(result) { assert_equals(result, 'NotAllowedError'); }
timing_test(same_origin + cameraUrl, disallowCamera, allowCamera, verifyCamera, 'allow attr timing test same origin');
timing_test(cross_origin + cameraUrl, disallowCamera, allowCamera, verifyCamera, 'allow attr timing test diff origin');
<div id="log"></div>