
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Federated Credential Management API multi IDP silent mediation tests.</title>
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import {request_options_with_two_idps,
        fedcm_select_account_promise} from '../support/fedcm-helper.sub.js';

fedcm_test(async t => {
  const cred = navigator.credentials.get(request_options_with_two_idps('silent'));
  return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', cred);
}, "Mediation silent fails if there is no returning account.");

fedcm_test(async t => {
  // Sign in to the first account.
  await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, request_options_with_two_idps());

  // Now use mediation:silent and it should work.
  return navigator.credentials.get(request_options_with_two_idps('silent'));
}, "Mediation silent succeeds when there is one returning account.");

fedcm_test(async t => {
  // Sign in to the first account.
  await fedcm_get_and_select_first_account(t, request_options_with_two_idps());

  // Sign in to the second account as well.
  let cred = navigator.credentials.get(request_options_with_two_idps());
  fedcm_select_account_promise(t, 1);
  await cred;

  // Now use mediation:silent and it should fail.
  cred = navigator.credentials.get(request_options_with_two_idps('silent'));
  return promise_rejects_dom(t, 'NetworkError', cred);
}, "Mediation silent fails when there is more than one returning account.");