
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Test location.ancestorOrigins</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="resources/utils.js"></script>


promise_test(async () => {
  const location_ao_key = token();
  const location_ao_ack_key = token();

  // We load the top-level fenced frame in a cross-origin, so that we can
  // more-completely verify the important cross-origin
  // `location.ancestorOrigins` case.
  const cross_origin = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN;
  const cross_origin_fenced_frame = getRemoteOriginURL(generateURL(
      [location_ao_key, location_ao_ack_key]
  ), https=true);

  // Get the result for the top-level fenced frame.
  const fenced_frame_result = await nextValueFromServer(location_ao_key);
  assert_equals(fenced_frame_result, "", "The top-level fenced frame has the " +
                                         "right ancestor origins");

  // Write an ACK, so that the fenced frame knows it can send message over the
  // `window_parent_key` channel again.
  writeValueToServer(location_ao_ack_key, "ACK");

  // Get the result for the iframe inside the fenced frame.
  const iframe_in_fenced_frame_result = await nextValueFromServer(location_ao_key);
  assert_equals(iframe_in_fenced_frame_result, cross_origin, "The iframe " +
                "inside the top-level fenced frame has the right " +
                "ancestor origins");

  writeValueToServer(location_ao_ack_key, "ACK");

  // Get the result for the nested fenced frame.
  const nested_fenced_frame_result = await nextValueFromServer(location_ao_key);
  assert_equals(nested_fenced_frame_result, "", "The nested fenced frame " +
                "inside the top-level fenced frame has the right ancestor " +
}, "location.ancestorOrigins");
