<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="utils.js"></script>
(async () => {
// This is a helper file that will servec as the document loaded inside
// a fenced frame b 'history-length-outer-page-navigation-not-reflected-in-
// fenced' Once loaded, it reports to the observed value of history.length to
// the server so that the outer document can assert the value is 1.
const [fenced_history_length_key, outer_page_ready_for_next_navigation_key,
embed_scope, embed_scope_reporting] =
const url = new URL(location.href);
if (embed_scope == "outer_page::iframe"){
////////////// BEGIN NAVIGATIONS
// This block performs a sequence of 'kNavigationLimit' navigations in:
// -- the iframe
const kNavigationLimit = 5
const url = new URL(location.href);
// First, perform some real navigations as well as history.pushState to
// this same page. Normally this would increase `history.length`.
if (url.searchParams.get("navigationCount") == null)
url.searchParams.append("navigationCount", 1);
let navigationCount = parseInt(url.searchParams.get("navigationCount"));
if (navigationCount <= kNavigationLimit) {
url.searchParams.set('navigationCount', ++navigationCount);
location.href = url;
history.pushState({} , "");
////////////// END
writeValueToServer(outer_page_ready_for_next_navigation_key, "READY");
if (embed_scope == embed_scope_reporting) {
// Observe 'history.length' from within the 'embed_scope_reporting',
// and report the results back to the outer page.
if (history.length == 1) {
"PASS > " + " history.length: " + history.length);
} else {
"FAIL > " + " history.length: " + history.length);
if (embed_scope_reporting == "outer_page::fenced_frame::iframe") {
// Append an iframe to the 'outer_page::fenced_frame' to report
// history.length to the outer_page from within the iframe
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const embed_scope = "outer_page::fenced_frame::iframe";
iframe.src = generateURL(
[fenced_history_length_key, outer_page_ready_for_next_navigation_key,
embed_scope, embed_scope_reporting]);