
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name=timeout content=long>
<title>Test of sandbox mandatory flags</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script>



const mandatory_flags = [

promise_test(async t => {
  const key = token();
  const value = 'fenced frame loaded';
  const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.src =
      'resources/sandbox-mandatory-flags-iframe.sub.html?key=' + key +
      '&value=' + value;
  mandatory_flags.forEach(flag => {

  t.add_cleanup(() => {
  const result = await nextValueFromServer(key);
  assert_equals(result, value, 'The fenced frame must be loaded.');
}, 'Sandboxed Iframe with mandatory flags can load a fenced frame.');

promise_test(async t => {
  const key = token();
  // Try to load a fenced frame in a sandboxed iframe like this:
  //   <iframe sandbox="|mandatory_flags| without |missing_flag|"
  //           src="sandbox-mandatory-flags-iframe.sub.html">
  //     <fencedframe src="sandbox-mandatory-flags-inner.sub.html">
  //       <img src="|key|&value=|value|">
  //     <fencedframe>
  //   </iframe>
  // But this should fail because the sandboxed iframe is loaded without
  // |missing_flag|.
  for (let missing_flag of mandatory_flags) {
    const value =
        'a fenced frame was loaded in a sandboxed iframe without ' +
        missing_flag + '.';
    const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.src =
        'resources/sandbox-mandatory-flags-iframe.sub.html?key=' + key +
        '&value=' + value;
    mandatory_flags.forEach(flag => {
      if (flag != missing_flag) {
    t.add_cleanup(() => {
  t.step_timeout(() => t.done(), 3000);
  let server_value = await nextValueFromServer(key);
  assert_unreached('fenced frame should not be loaded, but ' + server_value);
}, 'Sandboxed Iframe without one of mandatory flag must fail to load a fenced' +
   ' frame.');

promise_test(async t => {
  const key = token();
  // Try to load a fenced frame in a nested sandboxed iframe like this:
  //   <iframe sandbox="|mandatory_flags| without |missing_flag|"
  //           src="sandbox-mandatory-flags-looser-restriction.sub.html">
  //     <iframe sandbox="|mandatory_flags|"
  //             src="sandbox-mandatory-flags-iframe.sub.html">
  //       <fencedframe src="resources/sandbox-mandatory-flags-inner.sub.html">
  //         <img src="|key|&value=|value|">
  //       <fencedframe>
  //     </iframe>
  //   </iframe>
  // But this should fail because the nested iframe is loaded sandboxed
  // without |missing_flag|.
  for (let missing_flag of mandatory_flags) {
    const value =
        'a fenced frame was loaded in a nested sandboxed iframe without ' +
        missing_flag + '.';
    const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.src =
        'resources/sandbox-mandatory-flags-looser-restriction.sub.html?key=' +
        key + '&value=' + value;
    mandatory_flags.forEach(flag => {
      if (flag != missing_flag) {
    t.add_cleanup(() => {
  t.step_timeout(() => t.done(), 3000);
  let server_value = await nextValueFromServer(key);
  assert_unreached('fenced frame should not be loaded, but ' + server_value);
}, 'Nested sandboxed iframe without one of mandatory flag must fail to load a' +
   'fenced frame even when the inner nested sandboxed iframe has all ' +
   'mandatory allow- flags.');

promise_test(async t => {
  const key = token();
  // allow-scripts is needed to run iframe.execute, so we will test every other
  // sandbox flag
  for (let missing_flag of
       mandatory_flags.filter(word => word != "allow-scripts")) {
    const value =
        'canLoadOpaqueURL returned true even with flag ' +
        missing_flag + ' not set.';
    const flags_to_add = mandatory_flags
        .filter(word => word != missing_flag)
        .join(" ");
    const iframe = attachIFrameContext(
        {attributes: [["sandbox", flags_to_add]]});
    await iframe.execute(async (t) => {
}, 'navigator.canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame considers mandatory sandbox flags');
