// Utility functions to help testing keepalive requests.
// Returns a URL to an iframe that loads a keepalive URL on iframe loaded.
// The keepalive URL points to a target that stores `token`. The token will then
// be posted back on iframe loaded to the parent document.
// `method` defaults to GET.
// `frameOrigin` to specify the origin of the iframe to load. If not set,
// default to a different site origin.
// `requestOrigin` to specify the origin of the fetch request target.
// `sendOn` to specify the name of the event when the keepalive request should
// be sent instead of the default 'load'.
// `mode` to specify the fetch request's CORS mode.
// `disallowCrossOrigin` to ask the iframe to set up a server that disallows
// cross origin requests.
function getKeepAliveIframeUrl(token, method, {
frameOrigin = 'DEFAULT',
requestOrigin = '',
sendOn = 'load',
mode = 'cors',
disallowCrossOrigin = false
} = {}) {
const https = location.protocol.startsWith('https');
frameOrigin = frameOrigin === 'DEFAULT' ?
return `${frameOrigin}/fetch/api/resources/keepalive-iframe.html?` +
`token=${token}&` +
`method=${method}&` +
`sendOn=${sendOn}&` +
`mode=${mode}&` + (disallowCrossOrigin ? `disallowCrossOrigin=1&` : ``) +
// Returns a different-site URL to an iframe that loads a keepalive URL.
// By default, the keepalive URL points to a target that redirects to another
// same-origin destination storing `token`. The token will then be posted back
// to parent document.
// The URL redirects can be customized from `origin1` to `origin2` if provided.
// Sets `withPreflight` to true to get URL enabling preflight.
function getKeepAliveAndRedirectIframeUrl(
token, origin1, origin2, withPreflight) {
const https = location.protocol.startsWith('https');
const frameOrigin =
return `${frameOrigin}/fetch/api/resources/keepalive-redirect-iframe.html?` +
`token=${token}&` +
`origin1=${origin1}&` +
`origin2=${origin2}&` + (withPreflight ? `with-headers` : ``);
async function iframeLoaded(iframe) {
return new Promise((resolve) => iframe.addEventListener('load', resolve));
// Obtains the token from the message posted by iframe after loading
// `getKeepAliveAndRedirectIframeUrl()`.
async function getTokenFromMessage() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
}, {once: true});
// Tells if `token` has been stored in the server.
async function queryToken(token) {
const response = await fetch(`../resources/stash-take.py?key=${token}`);
const json = await response.json();
return json;
// A helper to assert the existence of `token` that should have been stored in
// the server by fetching ../resources/stash-put.py.
// This function simply wait for a custom amount of time before trying to
// retrieve `token` from the server.
// `expectTokenExist` tells if `token` should be present or not.
// NOTE:
// In order to parallelize the work, we are going to have an async_test
// for the rest of the work. Note that we want the serialized behavior
// for the steps so far, so we don't want to make the entire test case
// an async_test.
function assertStashedTokenAsync(
testName, token, {expectTokenExist = true} = {}) {
async_test(test => {
new Promise(resolve => test.step_timeout(resolve, 3000 /*ms*/))
.then(test.step_func(() => {
return queryToken(token);
.then(test.step_func(result => {
if (expectTokenExist) {
assert_equals(result, 'on', `token should be on (stashed).`);
} else {
result, 'on', `token should not be on (stashed).`);
return Promise.reject(`Failed to retrieve token from server`);
.catch(test.step_func(e => {
if (expectTokenExist) {
} else {
}, testName);
* In an iframe, and in `load` event handler, test to fetch a keepalive URL that
* involves in redirect to another URL.
* `unloadIframe` to unload the iframe before verifying stashed token to
* simulate the situation that unloads after fetching. Note that this test is
* different from `keepaliveRedirectInUnloadTest()` in that the the latter
* performs fetch() call directly in `unload` event handler, while this test
* does it in `load`.
function keepaliveRedirectTest(desc, {
origin1 = '',
origin2 = '',
withPreflight = false,
unloadIframe = false,
expectFetchSucceed = true,
} = {}) {
desc = `[keepalive][iframe][load] ${desc}` +
(unloadIframe ? ' [unload at end]' : '');
promise_test(async (test) => {
const tokenToStash = token();
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = getKeepAliveAndRedirectIframeUrl(
tokenToStash, origin1, origin2, withPreflight);
await iframeLoaded(iframe);
assert_equals(await getTokenFromMessage(), tokenToStash);
if (unloadIframe) {
desc, tokenToStash, {expectTokenExist: expectFetchSucceed});
}, `${desc}; setting up`);
* Opens a different site window, and in `unload` event handler, test to fetch
* a keepalive URL that involves in redirect to another URL.
function keepaliveRedirectInUnloadTest(desc, {
origin1 = '',
origin2 = '',
url2 = '',
withPreflight = false,
expectFetchSucceed = true
} = {}) {
desc = `[keepalive][new window][unload] ${desc}`;
promise_test(async (test) => {
const targetUrl =
`${HTTP_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN}/fetch/api/resources/keepalive-redirect-window.html?` +
`origin1=${origin1}&` +
`origin2=${origin2}&` +
`url2=${url2}&` + (withPreflight ? `with-headers` : ``);
const w = window.open(targetUrl);
const token = await getTokenFromMessage();
desc, token, {expectTokenExist: expectFetchSucceed});
}, `${desc}; setting up`);
* utility to create pending keepalive fetch requests
* The pending request state is achieved by ensuring the server (trickle.py) does not
* immediately respond to the fetch requests.
* The response delay is set as a url parameter.
function createPendingKeepAliveRequest(delay, remote = false) {
// trickle.py is a script that can make a delayed response to the client request
const trickleRemoteURL = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + '/fetch/api/resources/trickle.py?count=1&ms=';
const trickleLocalURL = get_host_info().HTTP_ORIGIN + '/fetch/api/resources/trickle.py?count=1&ms=';
url = remote ? trickleRemoteURL : trickleLocalURL;
const body = '*'.repeat(10);
return fetch(url + delay, { keepalive: true, body, method: 'POST' }).then(res => {
return res.text();
}).then(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, 1));
}).catch((error) => {
return Promise.reject(error);;