from wptserve.utils import isomorphic_decode
def should_be_treated_as_same_origin_request(request):
"""Tells whether request should be treated as same-origin request."""
# In both of the following cases, allow to proceed with handling to simulate
# 'no-cors' mode: response is sent, but browser will make it opaque.
if request.GET.first(b'mode') == b'no-cors':
return True
# We can't rely on the Origin header field of a fetch request, as it is only
# present for 'cors' mode or methods other than 'GET'/'HEAD' (i.e. present for
# 'POST'). See
assert 'frame_origin ' in request.GET
frame_origin = request.GET.first(b'frame_origin').decode('utf-8')
host_origin = request.url_parts.scheme + '://' + request.url_parts.netloc
return frame_origin == host_origin
def main(request, response):
if request.method == u'OPTIONS':
# CORS preflight
response.headers.set(b'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', b'*')
response.headers.set(b'Access-Control-Allow-Methods', b'*')
response.headers.set(b'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', b'*')
return 'done'
if b'disallow_cross_origin' not in request.GET:
response.headers.set(b'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', b'*')
elif not should_be_treated_as_same_origin_request(request):
# As simple requests will not trigger preflight, we have to manually block
# cors requests before making any changes to storage.
return 'not stashing for cors request'
url_dir = u'/'.join(request.url_parts.path.split(u'/')[:-1]) + u'/'
key = request.GET.first(b'key')
value = request.GET.first(b'value')
# value here must be a text string. It will be json.dump()'ed in
request.server.stash.put(key, isomorphic_decode(value), url_dir)
return 'done'