
// META: global=window,worker
// META: title=Consuming Response body after getting a ReadableStream
// META: script=./response-stream-disturbed-util.js

async function createResponseWithReadableStream(bodySource, callback) {
    const response = await responseFromBodySource(bodySource);
    const reader = response.body.getReader();
    return callback(response);

for (const bodySource of ["fetch", "stream", "string"]) {
    promise_test(function() {
        return createResponseWithReadableStream(bodySource, function(response) {
            return response.blob().then(function(blob) {
                assert_true(blob instanceof Blob);
    }, `Getting blob after getting the Response body - not disturbed, not locked (body source: ${bodySource})`);

    promise_test(function() {
        return createResponseWithReadableStream(bodySource, function(response) {
            return response.text().then(function(text) {
                assert_true(text.length > 0);
    }, `Getting text after getting the Response body - not disturbed, not locked (body source: ${bodySource})`);

    promise_test(function() {
        return createResponseWithReadableStream(bodySource, function(response) {
            return response.json().then(function(json) {
                assert_equals(typeof json, "object");
    }, `Getting json after getting the Response body - not disturbed, not locked (body source: ${bodySource})`);

    promise_test(function() {
        return createResponseWithReadableStream(bodySource, function(response) {
            return response.arrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {
                assert_true(arrayBuffer.byteLength > 0);
    }, `Getting arrayBuffer after getting the Response body - not disturbed, not locked (body source: ${bodySource})`);