<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
{%- if subtests|length > 10 %}
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
{%- endif %}
<title>HTTP headers on request for navigation via the HTML History API</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
{%- if subtests|selectattr('userActivated')|list %}
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
{%- endif %}
<script src="/fetch/metadata/resources/helper.sub.js"></script>
'use strict';
const whenDone = (win) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
addEventListener('message', function handle(event) {
if (event.source === win) {
removeEventListener('message', handle);
* Prime the UA's session history such that the location of the request is
* immediately behind the current entry. Because the location may not be
* same-origin with the current browsing context, this must be done via a
* true navigation and not, e.g. the `history.pushState` API. The initial
* navigation will alter the WPT server's internal state; in order to avoid
* false positives, clear that state prior to initiating the second
* navigation via `history.back`.
function induceBackRequest(url, test, clear) {
const win = window.open(url);
test.add_cleanup(() => win.close());
return whenDone(win)
.then(() => win.history.back())
.then(() => whenDone(win));
* Prime the UA's session history such that the location of the request is
* immediately ahead of the current entry. Because the location may not be
* same-origin with the current browsing context, this must be done via a
* true navigation and not, e.g. the `history.pushState` API. The initial
* navigation will alter the WPT server's internal state; in order to avoid
* false positives, clear that state prior to initiating the second
* navigation via `history.forward`.
function induceForwardRequest(url, test, clear) {
const win = window.open(messageOpenerUrl);
test.add_cleanup(() => win.close());
return whenDone(win)
.then(() => win.location = url)
.then(() => whenDone(win))
.then(() => win.history.go(-2))
.then(() => whenDone(win))
.then(() => win.history.forward())
.then(() => whenDone(win));
const messageOpenerUrl = new URL(
'/fetch/metadata/resources/message-opener.html', location
// For these tests to function, replacement must *not* be enabled during
// navigation. Assignment must therefore take place after the document has
// completely loaded [1]. This event is not directly observable, but it is
// scheduled as a task immediately following the global object's `load`
// event [2]. By queuing a task during the dispatch of the `load` event,
// navigation can be consistently triggered without replacement.
// [1] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/history.html#location-object-setter-navigate
// [2] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#the-end
const responseParams = {
mime: 'text/html',
body: `<script>
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
set`+`Timeout(() => location.assign('${messageOpenerUrl}'));
{%- for subtest in subtests %}
promise_test((t) => {
const key = '{{uuid()}}';
const url = makeRequestURL(key, [% subtest.origins %], responseParams);
return induceBackRequest(url, t, () => retrieve(key))
.then(() => retrieve(key))
.then((headers) => {
{%- if subtest.expected == none %}
assert_not_own_property(headers, '[%subtest.headerName%]');
{%- else %}
assert_own_property(headers, '[%subtest.headerName%]');
assert_array_equals(headers['[%subtest.headerName%]'], ['[%subtest.expected%]']);
{%- endif %}
}, '[%subtest.headerName%] - [%subtest.description | pad("right", " - ")%]history.back[%subtest.api%][% " with user activation" if subtest.userActivated%]');
promise_test((t) => {
const key = '{{uuid()}}';
const url = makeRequestURL(key, [% subtest.origins %], responseParams);
return induceForwardRequest(url, t, () => retrieve(key))
.then(() => retrieve(key))
.then((headers) => {
{%- if subtest.expected == none %}
assert_not_own_property(headers, '[%subtest.headerName%]');
{%- else %}
assert_own_property(headers, '[%subtest.headerName%]');
assert_array_equals(headers['[%subtest.headerName%]'], ['[%subtest.expected%]']);
{%- endif %}
}, '[%subtest.headerName%] - [%subtest.description | pad("right", " - ")%]history.forward[%subtest.api%][% " with user activation" if subtest.userActivated%]');
{%- endfor %}