
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "xnnpack.h"
#include "xnnpack/allocator.h"
#include "xnnpack/memory-planner.h"
#include "xnnpack/subgraph.h"

// Check if two xnn_value's lifecycles overlap.
inline static bool value_lifecycle_overlap(const struct xnn_usage_record* a, const struct xnn_usage_record* b) {}

// Use this comparison function to sort xnn_usage_record according to the
// tensor_size in decreasing order.
static inline int cmp_value_usage_tensor_size(const void* a, const void* b) {}

static void populate_value_lifecycle(const struct xnn_runtime* runtime, struct xnn_usage_record* usage) {}

// Represent a memory block [start, end)
struct memory_block {};

// Use this comparison function to sort memory_block according to the 'start'
// in increasing order.
static inline int cmp_memory_block(const void* a, const void* b) {}

// Given the current live memory blocks, return the offset in a memory arena for a to-be-allocated value of size
// 'to_alloc_size'.
static size_t find_value_alloc_offset(struct memory_block* live_mem_blocks,
                                      size_t num_mem_blocks,
                                      size_t to_alloc_size) {}

void xnn_init_value_allocation_tracker(
  struct xnn_value_allocation_tracker* tracker,
  const struct xnn_runtime* runtime)

void xnn_mark_tensor_as_reuse(struct xnn_value_allocation_tracker* tracker,
                              uint32_t value_id,
                              uint32_t reuse_value_id,
                              uint32_t new_last_node) {}

void xnn_add_value_allocation_tracker(struct xnn_value_allocation_tracker* tracker,
                                      uint32_t value_id,
                                      size_t tensor_size) {}

void xnn_add_operator_workspace_allocation_tracker(
  struct xnn_value_allocation_tracker* tracker,
  uint32_t operator_workspace_value_id,
  size_t tensor_size,
  uint32_t opdata_id)

void xnn_plan_value_allocation_tracker(struct xnn_value_allocation_tracker* tracker) {}