// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=resources/support.sub.js
// Spec: https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access/#integration-fetch
// These tests check that `ServiceWorker` script update fetches are exempt from
// Private Network Access checks because they are always same-origin and the
// origin is potentially trustworthy. The client of the fetch, for PNA purposes,
// is taken to be the previous script.
// The tests is carried out by instantiating a service worker from a resource
// that carries the `Content-Security-Policy: treat-as-public-address` header,
// such that the registration is placed in the public IP address space. When
// the script is fetched for an update, the client is thus considered public,
// yet the same-origin fetch observes that the server's IP endpoint is not
// necessarily in the public IP address space.
// See also: worker.https.window.js
// Results that may be expected in tests.
const TestResult = {
SUCCESS: { updated: true },
FAILURE: { error: "TypeError" },
async function makeTest(t, { target, expected }) {
// The bridge must be same-origin with the service worker script.
const bridgeUrl = resolveUrl(
sourceResolveOptions({ server: target.server }));
const scriptUrl = preflightUrl(target);
scriptUrl.searchParams.append("treat-as-public-once", token());
scriptUrl.searchParams.append("mime-type", "application/javascript");
scriptUrl.searchParams.append("file", "service-worker.js");
scriptUrl.searchParams.append("random-js-prefix", true);
const iframe = await appendIframe(t, document, bridgeUrl);
const request = (message) => {
const reply = futureMessage();
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, "*");
return reply;
const { error, loaded } = await request({
action: "register",
url: scriptUrl.href,
assert_equals(error, undefined, "register error");
assert_true(loaded, "response loaded");
try {
let { controlled, numControllerChanges } = await request({
action: "wait",
numControllerChanges: 1,
assert_equals(numControllerChanges, 1, "controller change");
assert_true(controlled, "bridge script is controlled");
const { error, updated } = await request({ action: "update" });
assert_equals(error, expected.error, "update error");
assert_equals(updated, expected.updated, "registration updated");
// Stop here if we do not expect the update to succeed.
if (!expected.updated) {
({ controlled, numControllerChanges } = await request({
action: "wait",
numControllerChanges: 2,
assert_equals(numControllerChanges, 2, "controller change");
assert_true(controlled, "bridge script still controlled");
} finally {
const { error, unregistered } = await request({
action: "unregister",
scope: new URL("./", scriptUrl).href,
assert_equals(error, undefined, "unregister error");
assert_true(unregistered, "unregistered");
promise_test(t => makeTest(t, {
target: { server: Server.HTTPS_LOCAL },
expected: TestResult.SUCCESS,
}), "update public to local: success.");
promise_test(t => makeTest(t, {
target: { server: Server.HTTPS_PRIVATE },
expected: TestResult.SUCCESS,
}), "update public to private: success.");
promise_test(t => makeTest(t, {
target: { server: Server.HTTPS_PUBLIC },
expected: TestResult.SUCCESS,
}), "update public to public: success.");