
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/html/cross-origin-embedder-policy/credentialless/resources/common.js"></script>
<script src="/html/anonymous-iframe/resources/common.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.js"></script>
<script src="resources/local-fs-test-helpers.js"></script>

const setUpChildFrame = (done) => `
  const importScript = ${importScript};
  await importScript("/resources/testharness.js");
  await importScript("/resources/testdriver.js");
  await importScript("/resources/testdriver-vendor.js");
  await importScript("/file-system-access/resources/local-fs-test-helpers.js");
  await importScript("/file-system-access/resources/test-helpers.js");
  await window.test_driver.bless(
      'show a file picker.<br />Please select an empty directory');
  await send("${done}", "done");

const createTestFile = (name, contents) => (done) => `
  self.showDirectoryPicker().then(async (dir) => {
    const handle = await dir.getFileHandle("${name}", {create: true});
    const writer = await handle.createWritable();
    await writer.write(new Blob(["${contents}"]));
    await writer.close();
    return send("${done}", "done");

const removeTestFile = (name) => (done) => `
  self.showDirectoryPicker().then(async (dir) => {
    await dir.removeEntry("${name}");
    return send("${done}", "done");

const assertNumEntries = (numFiles) => (done) => `
  self.showDirectoryPicker().then(async (dir) => {
    assert_equals(${numFiles}, await getDirectoryEntryCount(dir));
    return send("${done}", "done");

const assertFileContents = (file, contents) => (done) => `
  self.showDirectoryPicker().then(async (dir) => {
    const handle = await dir.getFileHandle("${file}");
    assert_equals("${contents}", await getFileContents(handle));
    return send("${done}", "done");

const assertNoAccess = (done) => `
  try {
    await self.showDirectoryPicker();
    await send("${done}", "unexpected");
  } catch (e) {
    await send("${done}", "done");

// To be resilient against tests not cleaning up properly, cleanup before
// every test.
function clearDirectories() {
  const directory = await directory_promise;
  for await (let entry of directory.values()) {
    await directory.removeEntry(, {recursive: entry.kind === 'directory'});

// The following tests make use of helper framed_test to define promise tests
// that send assertion scripts to multiple executor subframes.

framed_test(async (t, sendTo) => {
  // Ensure we have directory picker access in all child contexts.
  await sendTo(childContexts, setUpChildFrame);
  await sendTo(sameSiteContexts, assertNumEntries(0));

  // Create file in first-party context.
  await sendTo([FRAME_CONTEXT.firstParty], createTestFile("test.txt", "abc"));
  // Assert file contents from all same-site contexts.
  await sendTo(sameSiteContexts, assertNumEntries(1));
  await sendTo(sameSiteContexts, assertFileContents("test.txt", "abc"));
}, 'getFileHandle can access handles across same-site contexts.');

framed_test(async (t, sendTo) => {
  // Ensure we have directory picker access in all child frames.
  await sendTo(childContexts, setUpChildFrame);
  await sendTo(sameSiteContexts, assertNumEntries(0));

  // Create file in third-party same-site context.
  await sendTo([FRAME_CONTEXT.thirdPartySameSite], createTestFile("file", "b"));
  await sendTo([FRAME_CONTEXT.thirdPartySameSite], assertNumEntries(1));

  // Remove file from an anonymous same-site context.
  await sendTo([FRAME_CONTEXT.anonymousFrameSameSite], removeTestFile("file"));
  // Assert third-party same-site context can no longer access file.
  await sendTo([FRAME_CONTEXT.thirdPartySameSite], assertNumEntries(0));
}, 'File handles can be removed from other same-site contexts.');

framed_test(async (t, sendTo) => {
  // Ensure we have directory picker access in all child contexts.
  await sendTo(childContexts, setUpChildFrame);
  // Assert that an error is raised when attempting to access getFileHandle.
  await sendTo(crossSiteContexts, assertNoAccess);
}, 'Cross-site sub-frames cannot access getFileHandle.');

// TODO( Add tests for ancestor bit frames.
// TODO( Add tests for non-default buckets.
