
// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js
// META: script=/common/subset-tests.js
// META: timeout=long
// META: variant=?1-4
// META: variant=?5-8
// META: variant=?9-12
// META: variant=?13-16
// META: variant=?17-20
// META: variant=?21-24
// META: variant=?25-28
// META: variant=?29-last

"use strict;"

// These tests focus on the browserSignals argument passed to generateBid().
// Note that "topLevelSeller" is covered by component auction tests,
// "dataVersion" by trusted signals tests, and cross-origin
// "topWindowHostname" and "seller" are covered by cross origin tests.
// Some of these tests use the "uuid" for interest group name, to avoid
// joins/bids from previous tests that failed to clean up after themselves
// from affecting results.

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let expectedBrowserSignals = {
    "topWindowHostname": window.location.hostname,
    "seller": window.location.origin,
    "adComponentsLimit": 40,
    "joinCount": 1,
    "bidCount": 0,
    "prevWinsMs": []
  let biddingLogicURL = createBiddingScriptURL(
      { generateBid:
          `let expectedBrowserSignals = ${JSON.stringify(expectedBrowserSignals)};

          // Can't check this value exactly.
          expectedBrowserSignals.recency = browserSignals.recency;

          // This value may be affected by other recently run tests.
          expectedBrowserSignals.forDebuggingOnlyInCooldownOrLockout =

          // Remove deprecated field, if present.
          delete browserSignals.prevWins;

          if (!deepEquals(browserSignals, expectedBrowserSignals))
             throw "Unexpected browserSignals: " + JSON.stringify(browserSignals);`

  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: biddingLogicURL}});
}, 'Only expected fields present.');

// Creates a bidding script URL that expects the "joinCount" to be
// "expectedJoinCount".
function createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(expectedJoinCount) {
  return createBiddingScriptURL(
    { generateBid:
        `if (browserSignals.joinCount !== ${expectedJoinCount})
           throw "Unexpected joinCount: " + browserSignals.joinCount;`

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(1)}});

  // Joining again, even with a different script URL, should increase the join count.
  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(2)}});
}, 'browserSignals.joinCount same joining page.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(1)}});

  // Attempt to re-join the same interest group from a different top-level origin.
  // The join count should still be persisted.
  await joinCrossOriginInterestGroupInTopLevelWindow(
      test, uuid, OTHER_ORIGIN1, window.location.origin,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(2)});

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.joinCount different top-level joining origin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(1)}});

  // Leaving interest group should clear join count.
  await leaveInterestGroup({name: uuid});

  // Check that join count was cleared.
  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      { uuid: uuid,
        interestGroupOverrides: {name: uuid,
                                 biddingLogicURL: createJoinCountBiddingScriptURL(1)}});
}, 'browserSignals.joinCount leave and rejoin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
  await runReportTest(
    test, uuid,
    { generateBid:
        `if (browserSignals.recency === undefined)
           throw new Error("Missing recency in browserSignals.")

         if (browserSignals.recency < 0)
           throw new Error("Recency is a negative value.")

         if (browserSignals.recency > 30000)
           throw new Error("Recency is over 30 seconds threshold.")

         if (browserSignals.recency % 100 !== 0)
           throw new Error("Recency is not rounded to multiple of 100 milliseconds.")

         return {'bid': 9,
    // expectedReportURLs
}, 'Check recency in generateBid() is below a certain threshold and rounded ' +
   'to multiple of 100 milliseconds.');

// Creates a bidding script URL that expects the "bidCount" to be
// "expectedBidCount".
function createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(expectedBidCount) {
  return createBiddingScriptURL(
    { generateBid:
        `if (browserSignals.bidCount !== ${expectedBidCount})
           throw "Unexpected bidCount: " + browserSignals.bidCount;`

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Running an auction should not increment "bidCount".
  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)});

  // These auctions would have no winner if the "bidCount" were incremented.
  await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid);
  await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount not incremented when ad not used.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0) });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Wait for the navigation to trigger reports. "bidCount" should be updated before
  // any reports are sent.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1) });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Wait for the navigation to trigger reports. "bidCount" should be updated before
  // any reports are sent.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(2) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented when ad used.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Join an interest group and run an auction and navigate to the winning ad,
  // increasing the bid count to 1.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)});
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Wait for the navigation to trigger reports. "bidCount" should be updated before
  // any reports are sent.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinCrossOriginInterestGroupInTopLevelWindow(
      test, uuid, OTHER_ORIGIN1, window.location.origin,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount persists across re-join from other top-level origin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Join an interest group and run an auction and navigate to the winning ad,
  // increasing the bid count to 1.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0) });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  // Leaving interest group should clear "bidCount".
  await leaveInterestGroup({name: uuid});

  // Check that bid count was cleared.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)});
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount leave and rejoin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)} );

  // Run two auctions at once, without any navigations.
  // "bidCount" should be 0 for both auctions.
  let fencedFrameConfigs =
      await Promise.all([runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid),
                         runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid)]);

  // Start navigating to both auction winners.
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfigs[0]);
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfigs[1]);

  // Wait for navigations to have sent reports (and thus to have updated
  // bid counts).
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  // Check that "bidCount" has increased by 2.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(2) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount two auctions at once.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use a tracker URL for the ad. It won't be successfully loaded, due to missing
  // the fenced frame header, but it should be fetched twice.
  let trackedRenderURL =
      createTrackerURL(window.location.origin, uuid, 'track_get', /*id=*/'ad');
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0),
        ads: [{ renderURL: trackedRenderURL }]

  let fencedFrameConfig = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);

  // Start navigating two frames to the winning ad.
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfig);
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfig);

  // Wait for both navigations to have requested ads (and thus to have updated
  // bid counts).
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  // Check that "bidCount" has increased by only 1.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented once when winning ad used twice.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'winner');

  // Join an interest group named "uuid", which will bid 0.1, losing the first auction.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 0.1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'loser')}')` })

  // Join an interest group with the default name, which will bid 1 and win the first
  // auction, sending a bidder report.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${bidderReportURL}')` })

  // Run an auction that both bidders participate in. Despite the first interest group
  // losing, its "bidCount" should be incremented.
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Make sure the right bidder won.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [bidderReportURL, createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  // Leave the second interest group (which has the default name).
  await leaveInterestGroup();

  // Re-join the first interest group, with a bidding script that checks its "bidCount".
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1)

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented when another interest group wins.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use default interest group, other than using a unique name. It will make a bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, { name: uuid });
  // Run auction with seller that rejects all bids.
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, {scoreAd: `return 0;`})});

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1)
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented when seller rejects bid.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use default interest group, other than using a unique name. It will make a bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, { name: uuid });
  // Run auction with seller that always throws.
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, {scoreAd: `throw "a fit";`})});

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1)
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented when seller throws.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Interest group that does not bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { generateBid: 'return;' })
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid);

  // Check that "bidCount" was not incremented.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount not incremented when no bid.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'winner');

  // Interest group that does not bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { generateBid: 'return;' })

  // Join an interest group with the default name, which will bid 1 and win the first
  // auction, sending a bidder report.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${bidderReportURL}')` })

  // Run an auction that both bidders participate in, and make sure the right bidder won.
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [bidderReportURL, createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  // Leave the second interest group (which has the default name).
  await leaveInterestGroup();

  // Re-join the first interest group, with a bidding script that checks its "bidCount".
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(0)

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount not incremented when no bid and another interest group wins.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'winner');

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 42, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'loser')}')` })

  // Join an interest group with the default name, which will bid 1 and win the first
  // auction, sending a bidder report.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${bidderReportURL}')` })

  // Run an auction that both bidders participate in. The scoreAd script rejects the
  // first interest group's bid.
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
          { scoreAd: `if (bid === 42) return -1;`})});
  // Make sure the second interest group won.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [bidderReportURL]);

  // Leave the second interest group (which has the default name).
  await leaveInterestGroup();

  // Re-join the first interest group, with a bidding script that checks its "bidCount".
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBidCountBiddingScriptURL(1)

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.bidCount incremented when makes largest bid, but seller rejects the bid.');

// Creates a bidding script URL that expects "prevWinsMs" to be
// "expectedPrevWinsMs". All times in "expectedPrevWinsMs" must be 0.
// "adIndex" is the index of the ad to use in the bid.
function createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(expectedPrevWinsMs, adIndex = 0) {
  return createBiddingScriptURL(
    { generateBid:
        `for (let i = 0; i < browserSignals.prevWinsMs.length; i++) {
           // Check age is in a reasonable range.
           if (browserSignals.prevWinsMs[i][0] < 0 ||
               browserSignals.prevWinsMs[i][0] > 30000) {
             throw "Unexpected prevWinsMs time: " + JSON.stringify(browserSignals.prevWinsMs);

           // Set age to 0.
           browserSignals.prevWinsMs[i][0] = 0;

           // Remove obsolete field, if present.
           delete browserSignals.prevWinsMs[i][1].render_url;
         if (!deepEquals(browserSignals.prevWinsMs, ${JSON.stringify(expectedPrevWinsMs)}))
           throw "Unexpected prevWinsMs: " + JSON.stringify(browserSignals.prevWinsMs);

           return {
             bid: 1,

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Running an auction should not increment "prevWinsMs".
  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])});

  // These auctions would have no winner if the "prevWinsMs" were incremented.
  await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid);
  await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not affected when ad not used.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([]) });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Wait for the navigation to trigger reports. "prevWinsMs" should be updated before
  // any reports are sent.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [[0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}]]) });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  // Wait for the navigation to trigger reports. "prevWinsMs" should be updated before
  // any reports are sent.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [ [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}]]) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs, no metadata.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
  const ads = [ {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null},
                {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]},
                {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 2)} ];

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([], /*adIndex=*/0),
        ads: ads });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [[0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}]],
        ads: ads });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [ [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]}] ],
        ads: ads });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [ [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 2)}] ]),
        ads: ads });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs, with metadata.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
  const ads = [ {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null},
                {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]},
                {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 2)} ];

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([]),
        ads: [{renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}] });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [[0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}]]),
        ads: [{renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]}] });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [ [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]}] ]),
        ads: [{renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 2)}] });
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [ [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 0), metadata: null}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 1), metadata: ['1', 2, {3: 4}]}],
              [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid, 2)}] ]) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs, different set of ads for each bid.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Join an interest group and run an auction and navigate to the winning ad,
  // which should be logged in "prevWinsMs".
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])});
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  await joinCrossOriginInterestGroupInTopLevelWindow(
      test, uuid, OTHER_ORIGIN1, window.location.origin,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
            [[0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}]]) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs persists across re-join from other top-level origin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Join an interest group and run an auction and navigate to the winning ad,
  // which should be logged in "prevWinsMs".
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])});
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  // Leaving interest group should clear "prevWinsMs".
  await leaveInterestGroup({name: uuid});

  // Check that bid count was cleared.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])});
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs leave and rejoin.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])

  // Run two auctions at once, without any navigations.
  // "prevWinsMs" should be empty for both auctions.
  let fencedFrameConfigs =
      await Promise.all([runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid),
                         runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid)]);

  // Start navigating to both auction winners.
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfigs[0]);
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfigs[1]);

  // Wait for navigations to have sent reports (and thus to have updated
  // "prevWinsMs").
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  // Check that "prevWinsMs" has two URLs.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
          [[0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}],
           [0, {renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid)}]])
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs two auctions at once.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use a tracker URL for the ad. It won't be successfully loaded, due to missing
  // the fenced frame header, but it should be fetched twice.
  let trackedRenderURL =
      createTrackerURL(window.location.origin, uuid, 'track_get', /*id=*/'ad');
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([]),
        ads: [{ renderURL: trackedRenderURL }]

  let fencedFrameConfig = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);

  // Start navigating two frames to the winning ad.
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfig);
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfig);

  // Wait for both navigations to have requested ads (and thus to have updated
  // "prevWinsMs").
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [createSellerReportURL(uuid),

  // Check that "prevWins" has only a single win.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL(
          [[0, {renderURL: trackedRenderURL}]]) });
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs has only one win when winning ad used twice.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'winner');

  // Join an interest group named "uuid", which will bid 0.1, losing the first auction.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 0.1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'loser')}')` })

  // Join an interest group with the default name, which will bid 1 and win the first
  // auction, sending a bidder report.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${bidderReportURL}')` })

  // Run an auction that both bidders participate in, and make sure the right bidder won.
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [bidderReportURL, createSellerReportURL(uuid)]);

  // Leave the second interest group (which has the default name).
  await leaveInterestGroup();

  // Re-join the first interest group, with a bidding script that expects prevWinsMs to
  // be empty.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not updated when another interest group wins.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use default interest group, other than using a unique name. It will make a bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, { name: uuid });
  // Run auction with seller that rejects all bids.
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, {scoreAd: `return 0;`})});

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not updated when seller rejects bid.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Use default interest group, other than using a unique name. It will make a bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, { name: uuid });
  // Run auction with seller that always throws.
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, {scoreAd: `throw "a fit";`})});

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not updated when seller throws.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Interest group that does not bid.
  await joinInterestGroup(
    test, uuid,
    { name: uuid,
      biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
        { generateBid: 'return;' })
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid);

  // Check that "prevWinsMs" was not modified.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not updated when no bid.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'winner');

  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 42, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/'loser')}')` })

  // Join an interest group with the default name, which will bid 1 and win the first
  // auction, sending a bidder report.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
          { bid: 1, reportWin: `sendReportTo('${bidderReportURL}')` })

  // Run an auction that both bidders participate in. The scoreAd script returns a low
  // score for the first interest group's bid.
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(
      test, uuid,
      { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
          { scoreAd: `if (bid === 42) return 0.1;`})});
  // Make sure the second interest group won.
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, [bidderReportURL]);

  // Leave the second interest group (which has the default name).
  await leaveInterestGroup();

  // Re-join the first interest group, with a bidding script that expects prevWinsMs to
  // be empty.
  await joinInterestGroup(
      test, uuid,
      { name: uuid,
        biddingLogicURL: createPrevWinsMsBiddingScriptURL([])

  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'browserSignals.prevWinsMs not updated when makes largest bid, but another interest group wins.');

subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
  const uuid = generateUuid(test);

  // Join an interest group with a WASM helper that exposes a single "increment" method,
  // and make sure that method can be invoked and behaves as expected.
  await joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(
    { uuid: uuid,
      interestGroupOverrides: {
          biddingWasmHelperURL: `${RESOURCE_PATH}`,
          biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
            { generateBid:
                `if (!browserSignals.wasmHelper)
                   throw "No WASM helper";

                 let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(browserSignals.wasmHelper);
                 if (!instance)
                   throw "Couldn't create WASM Instance";

                 if (!deepEquals(Object.keys(instance.exports), ["increment"]))
                   throw "Unexpected exports: " + JSON.stringify(instance.exports);

                 if (instance.exports.increment(1) !== 2)
                   throw "Unexpected increment result: " + instance.exports.increment(1);` })
}, 'browserSignals.wasmHelper.');