// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js
// META: script=/common/subset-tests.js
// META: timeout=long
// META: variant=?1-4
// META: variant=?5-8
// META: variant=?9-last
"use strict;"
// These are separate from the other join-leave tests because these all create
// and navigate fenced frames, which is much slower than just joining/leaving
// interest groups, and running the occasional auction. Most tests use a
// buyer with an origin of OTHER_ORIGIN1, so it has a distinct origin from the
// seller and publisher.
// Creates a tracker URL that's requested when a call succeeds in a fenced
// frame.
function createSuccessURL(uuid, origin = document.location.origin) {
return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, "track_get", "success");
// Creates a tracker URL that's requested when a call fails in a fenced frame, with
// the expected exception.
function createExceptionURL(uuid, origin = document.location.origin) {
return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, "track_get", "exception");
// Creates a tracker URL that's requested when joinAdInterestGroup() or
// leaveAdInterestGroup() fails with an exception other than the one that's
// expected.
function createBadExceptionURL(uuid, origin = document.location.origin) {
return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, "track_get", "bad_exception");
// Creates render URL that calls "navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup()" when
// loaded, with no arguments. It then fetches a URL depending on whether it
// threw an exception. No exception should ever be thrown when this is run
// in an ad URL, so only fetch the "bad exception" URL on error.
function createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, origin = document.location.origin) {
return createRenderURL(
`async function TryLeave() {
try {
await navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup();
await fetch("${createSuccessURL(uuid, origin)}");
} catch (e) {
await fetch("${createBadExceptionURL(uuid, origin)}");
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
// Interest group that an ad fenced frame attempts to join. The join should
// fail.
let interestGroupJoinedInFrame = createInterestGroupForOrigin(
uuid, document.location.origin, {name: 'group2'});
// Create a render URL that tries to join "interestGroupJoinedInFrame".
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`async function TryJoin() {
try {
await navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(
await fetch("${createSuccessURL(uuid)}");
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === "NotAllowedError") {
await fetch("${createExceptionURL(uuid)}");
} else {
await fetch("${createBadExceptionURL(uuid)}");
await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, {ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL}]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
// This should wait until the leave call has thrown an exception.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid), createExceptionURL(uuid)]);
// Leave the initial interest group.
await leaveInterestGroup();
// Check the interest group was not successfully joined in the fenced frame
// by running an auction, to make sure the thrown exception accurately
// indicates the group wasn't joined.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'joinAdInterestGroup() in ad fenced frame.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
// Create a render URL that tries to leave the default test interest group by
// name. Even a though a render URL can leave its own interest group by using
// the 0-argument version of leaveAdInterestGroup(), it can't leave its own
// interest group by using the 1-argument version, so this should fail.
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`async function TryLeave() {
try {
await navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup(
{owner: "${window.location.origin}", name: "${DEFAULT_INTEREST_GROUP_NAME}"});
await fetch("${createSuccessURL(uuid)}");
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof DOMException && e.name === "NotAllowedError") {
await fetch("${createExceptionURL(uuid)}");
} else {
await fetch("${createBadExceptionURL(uuid)}");
await joinInterestGroup(
test, uuid,
{ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL}]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
// This should wait until the leave call has thrown an exception.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid), createExceptionURL(uuid)]);
// Check the interest group was not left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in ad fenced frame, specify an interest group.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = window.location.origin;
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, render_url_origin) }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// Leaving the interest group should claim to succeed, to avoid leaking
// whether or not the buyer was same-origin or to the fenced frame.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, render_url_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was not actually left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in non-buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
// Use a different origin for the buyer, to make sure that's the origin
// that matters.
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, render_url_origin) }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// This should wait until the leave call has completed.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, render_url_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was actually left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const iframe_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
// Create a render URL which, in an iframe, loads the common "try leave"
// render URL from the buyer's origin (which isn't technically being used as
// a render URL, in this case).
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.permissions = "join-ad-interest-group";
iframe.src = "${createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, iframe_origin)}";
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// This should wait until the leave call has completed.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, iframe_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was actually left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in same-origin iframe inside buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const iframe_origin = document.location.origin;
// Create a render URL which, in an iframe, loads the common "try leave"
// render URL from an origin other than the buyer's origin.
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.permissions = "join-ad-interest-group";
iframe.src = "${createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, iframe_origin)}";
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// Leaving the interest group should claim to succeed, to avoid leaking
// whether or not the buyer was same-origin or to the iframe.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, iframe_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was not actually left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in cross-origin iframe inside buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = document.location.origin;
const iframe_origin = document.location.origin;
// Create a render URL which, in an iframe, loads the common "try leave"
// render URL from an origin other than the buyer's origin (which isn't
// technically being used as a render URL, in this case).
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.permissions = "join-ad-interest-group";
iframe.src = "${createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, iframe_origin)}";
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// Leaving the interest group should claim to succeed, to avoid leaking
// whether or not the buyer was same-origin or to the fenced frame.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, iframe_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was not actually left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in same-origin iframe inside non-buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
const bidder_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
const render_url_origin = document.location.origin;
const iframe_origin = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
// Create a render URL which, in an iframe, loads the common "try leave"
// render URL from the buyer's origin (which isn't technically being used as
// a render URL, in this case).
const renderURL = createRenderURL(
`let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.permissions = "join-ad-interest-group";
iframe.src = "${createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid, iframe_origin)}";
await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
test, uuid, bidder_origin,
{ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
// Leaving the interest group should succeed.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[ createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid),
createSuccessURL(uuid, iframe_origin)]);
// Check the interest group was left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, {interestGroupBuyers : [bidder_origin]});
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in cross-origin buyer iframe inside non-buyer origin ad fenced frame, no parameters.');
subsetTest(promise_test, async test => {
const uuid = generateUuid(test);
// Render URL that loads the first ad component in a nested fenced frame.
let loadFirstComponentAdURL =
`let fencedFrame = document.createElement("fencedframe");
fencedFrame.mode = "opaque-ads";
fencedFrame.config = window.fence.getNestedConfigs()[0];
await joinInterestGroup(
test, uuid,
// Interest group that makes a bid with a component ad. The render URL
// will open the component ad in a fenced frame, and the component ad
// URL is the common URL that tries to leave the ad's current interest
// group, reporting the result to a tracker URL.
{ biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
{ generateBid: `return {
bid: 1,
render: interestGroup.ads[0].renderURL,
adComponents: [interestGroup.adComponents[0].renderURL]
};` }),
ads: [{ renderURL: loadFirstComponentAdURL }],
adComponents: [{ renderURL: createNoArgsTryLeaveRenderURL(uuid) }]});
await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid);
// Leaving the interest group should claim to succeed, to avoid leaking
// whether or not the buyer was same-origin or to the fenced frame.
await waitForObservedRequests(
[createSellerReportURL(uuid), createSuccessURL(uuid)]);
// Check the interest group was left.
await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid);
}, 'leaveAdInterestGroup() in component ad fenced frame, no parameters.');