
"use strict;"

const BASE_URL = document.baseURI.substring(0, document.baseURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
const BASE_PATH = (new URL(BASE_URL)).pathname;
const RESOURCE_PATH = `${BASE_PATH}resources/`

const DEFAULT_INTEREST_GROUP_NAME = 'default name';

// Unlike other URLs, trusted signals URLs can't have query strings
// that are set by tests, since FLEDGE controls it entirely, so tests that
// exercise them use a fixed URL string. Note that FLEDGE adds query
// params when requesting these URLs, and the python scripts use these
// to construct the response.

// Other origins that should all be distinct from the main frame origin
// that the tests start with.
const OTHER_ORIGIN1 = 'https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN2 = 'https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][1]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN3 = 'https://{{hosts[][]}}:{{ports[https][1]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN4 = 'https://{{hosts[][www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN5 = 'https://{{hosts[][www]}}:{{ports[https][1]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN6 = 'https://{{hosts[alt][www]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}';
const OTHER_ORIGIN7 = 'https://{{hosts[alt][www]}}:{{ports[https][1]}}';

// Trusted signals hosted on OTHER_ORIGIN1

// Creates a URL that will be sent to the URL request tracker script.
// `uuid` is used to identify the stash shard to use.
// `dispatch` affects what the tracker script does.
// `id` can be used to uniquely identify tracked requests. It has no effect
//     on behavior of the script; it only serves to make the URL unique.
// `id` will always be the last query parameter.
function createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, dispatch, id = null) {
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  let search = `uuid=${uuid}&dispatch=${dispatch}`;
  if (id)
    search += `&id=${id}`; = search;
  return url.toString();

// Create a URL that when fetches clears tracked URLs. Note that the origin
// doesn't matter - it will clean up all tracked URLs with the provided uuid,
// regardless of origin they were fetched from.
function createCleanupURL(uuid) {
  return createTrackerURL(window.location.origin, uuid, 'clean_up');

// Create tracked bidder/seller URLs. The only difference is the prefix added
// to the `id` passed to createTrackerURL. The optional `id` field allows
// multiple bidder/seller report URLs to be distinguishable from each other.
// `id` will always be the last query parameter.
function createBidderReportURL(uuid, id = '1', origin = window.location.origin) {
  return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, `track_get`, `bidder_report_${id}`);
function createSellerReportURL(uuid, id = '1', origin = window.location.origin) {
  return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, `track_get`, `seller_report_${id}`);

function createHighestScoringOtherBidReportURL(uuid, highestScoringOtherBid) {
  return createSellerReportURL(uuid) + '&highestScoringOtherBid=' + Math.round(highestScoringOtherBid);

// Much like above ReportURL methods, except designed for beacons, which
// are expected to be POSTs.
function createBidderBeaconURL(uuid, id = '1', origin = window.location.origin) {
  return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, `track_post`, `bidder_beacon_${id}`);
function createSellerBeaconURL(uuid, id = '1', origin = window.location.origin) {
  return createTrackerURL(origin, uuid, `track_post`, `seller_beacon_${id}`);

function createDirectFromSellerSignalsURL(origin = window.location.origin) {
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  return url.toString();

function createUpdateURL(params = {}) {
  let origin = window.location.origin;
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  url.searchParams.append('body', params.body);
  url.searchParams.append('uuid', params.uuid);

  return url.toString();

// Generates a UUID and registers a cleanup method with the test fixture to
// request a URL from the request tracking script that clears all data
// associated with the generated uuid when requested.
function generateUuid(test) {
  let uuid = token();
  test.add_cleanup(async () => {
    let response = await fetch(createCleanupURL(uuid),
                               { credentials: 'omit', mode: 'cors' });
    assert_equals(await response.text(), 'cleanup complete',
                  `Sever state cleanup failed`);
  return uuid;

// Helper to fetch "tracked_data" URL to fetch all data recorded by the
// tracker URL associated with "uuid". Throws on error, including if
// the retrieved object's errors field is non-empty.
async function fetchTrackedData(uuid) {
  let trackedRequestsURL = createTrackerURL(window.location.origin, uuid,
  let response = await fetch(trackedRequestsURL,
                             { credentials: 'omit', mode: 'cors' });
  let trackedData = await response.json();

  // Fail on fetch error.
  if (trackedData.error) {
    throw trackedRequestsURL + ' fetch failed:' + JSON.stringify(trackedData);

  // Fail on errors reported by the tracker script.
  if (trackedData.errors.length > 0) {
    throw 'Errors reported by' +

  return trackedData;

// Repeatedly requests "tracked_data" URL until exactly the entries in
// "expectedRequests" have been observed by the request tracker script (in
// any order, since report URLs are not guaranteed to be sent in any order).
// Elements of `expectedRequests` should either be URLs, in the case of GET
// requests, or "<URL>, body: <body>" in the case of POST requests.
// `filter` will be applied to the array of tracked requests.
// If any other strings are received from the tracking script, or the tracker
// script reports an error, fails the test.
async function waitForObservedRequests(uuid, expectedRequests, filter) {
  // Sort array for easier comparison, as observed request order does not
  // matter, and replace UUID to print consistent errors on failure.
  expectedRequests = => url.replace(uuid, '<uuid>')).sort();

  while (true) {
    let trackedData = await fetchTrackedData(uuid);

    // Clean up "trackedRequests" in same manner as "expectedRequests".
    let trackedRequests =
                              (url) => url.replace(uuid, '<uuid>')).sort();

    if (filter) {
      trackedRequests = trackedRequests.filter(filter);

    // If fewer than total number of expected requests have been observed,
    // compare what's been received so far, to have a greater chance to fail
    // rather than hang on error.
    for (const trackedRequest of trackedRequests) {
      assert_in_array(trackedRequest, expectedRequests);

    // If expected number of requests have been observed, compare with list of
    // all expected requests and exit. This check was previously before the for loop,
    // but was swapped in order to avoid flakiness with failing tests and their
    // respective *-expected.txt.
    if (trackedRequests.length >= expectedRequests.length) {
      assert_array_equals(trackedRequests, expectedRequests);

// Similar to waitForObservedRequests, but ignore forDebuggingOnly reports.
async function waitForObservedRequestsIgnoreDebugOnlyReports(
    uuid, expectedRequests) {
  return waitForObservedRequests(
      request => !request.includes('forDebuggingOnly'));

// Creates a bidding script with the provided code in the method bodies. The
// bidding script's generateBid() method will return a bid of 9 for the first
// ad, after the passed in code in the "generateBid" input argument has been
// run, unless it returns something or throws.
// The default reportWin() method is empty.
function createBiddingScriptURL(params = {}) {
  let origin = params.origin ? params.origin : new URL(BASE_URL).origin;
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  // These checks use "!=" to ignore null and not provided arguments, while
  // treating '' as a valid argument.
  if (params.generateBid != null)
    url.searchParams.append('generateBid', params.generateBid);
  if (params.reportWin != null)
    url.searchParams.append('reportWin', params.reportWin);
  if (params.reportAdditionalBidWin != null)
    url.searchParams.append('reportAdditionalBidWin', params.reportAdditionalBidWin);
  if (params.error != null)
    url.searchParams.append('error', params.error);
  if ( != null)
  if (params.bidCurrency != null)
    url.searchParams.append('bidCurrency', params.bidCurrency);
  if (params.allowComponentAuction != null)
    url.searchParams.append('allowComponentAuction', JSON.stringify(params.allowComponentAuction))
  return url.toString();

// TODO: Make this return a valid WASM URL.
function createBiddingWasmHelperURL(params = {}) {
  let origin = params.origin ? params.origin : new URL(BASE_URL).origin;
  return `${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}bidding-wasmlogic.wasm`;

// Creates a decision script with the provided code in the method bodies. The
// decision script's scoreAd() method will reject ads with renderURLs that
// don't ends with "uuid", and will return a score equal to the bid, after the
// passed in code in the "scoreAd" input argument has been run, unless it
// returns something or throws.
// The default reportResult() method is empty.
function createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, params = {}) {
  let origin = params.origin ? params.origin : new URL(BASE_URL).origin;
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  url.searchParams.append('uuid', uuid);
  // These checks use "!=" to ignore null and not provided arguments, while
  // treating '' as a valid argument.
  if (params.scoreAd != null)
    url.searchParams.append('scoreAd', params.scoreAd);
  if (params.reportResult != null)
    url.searchParams.append('reportResult', params.reportResult);
  if (params.error != null)
    url.searchParams.append('error', params.error);
  if (params.permitCrossOriginTrustedSignals != null) {
  return url.toString();

// Creates a renderURL for an ad that runs the passed in "script". "uuid" has
// no effect, beyond making the URL distinct between tests, and being verified
// by the decision logic script before accepting a bid. "uuid" is expected to
// be last.  "signalsParams" also has no effect, but is used by
// to affect the response.
function createRenderURL(uuid, script, signalsParams, origin) {
  // These checks use "==" and "!=" to ignore null and not provided
  // arguments, while treating '' as a valid argument.
  if (origin == null)
    origin = new URL(BASE_URL).origin;
  let url = new URL(`${origin}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
  if (script != null)
    url.searchParams.append('script', script);
  if (signalsParams != null)
    url.searchParams.append('signalsParams', signalsParams);
  url.searchParams.append('uuid', uuid);
  return url.toString();

// Creates an interest group owned by "origin" with a bidding logic URL located
// on "origin" as well. Uses standard render and report URLs, which are not
// necessarily on "origin". "interestGroupOverrides" may be used to override any
// field of the created interest group.
function createInterestGroupForOrigin(uuid, origin,
                                      interestGroupOverrides = {}) {
  return {
    owner: origin,
    biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
        { origin: origin,
          reportWin: `sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid)}');` }),
    ads: [{ renderURL: createRenderURL(uuid) }],

// Waits for the join command to complete. Adds cleanup command to `test` to
// leave the interest group when the test completes.
async function joinInterestGroupWithoutDefaults(test, interestGroup,
                                                durationSeconds = 60) {
  await navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(interestGroup, durationSeconds);
    async () => { await navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup(interestGroup); });

// Joins an interest group that, by default, is owned by the current frame's
// origin, is named DEFAULT_INTEREST_GROUP_NAME, has a bidding script that
// issues a bid of 9 with a renderURL of "https://not.checked.test/${uuid}",
// and sends a report to createBidderReportURL(uuid) if it wins. Waits for the
// join command to complete. Adds cleanup command to `test` to leave the
// interest group when the test completes.
// `interestGroupOverrides` may be used to override fields in the joined
// interest group.
async function joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, interestGroupOverrides = {},
                                 durationSeconds = 60) {
  await joinInterestGroupWithoutDefaults(
      test, createInterestGroupForOrigin(
          uuid, window.location.origin, interestGroupOverrides),

// Joins a negative interest group with the specified owner, name, and
// additionalBidKey. Because these are the only valid fields for a negative
// interest groups, this function doesn't expose an 'overrides' parameter.
// Adds cleanup command to `test` to leave the interest group when the test
// completes.
async function joinNegativeInterestGroup(
    test, owner, name, additionalBidKey) {
  let interestGroup = {
    owner: owner,
    name: name,
    additionalBidKey: additionalBidKey
  if (owner !== window.location.origin) {
    let iframe = await createIframe(test, owner, 'join-ad-interest-group');
    await runInFrame(
      test, iframe,
      `await joinInterestGroupWithoutDefaults(` +
          `test_instance, ${JSON.stringify(interestGroup)})`);
  } else {
    await joinInterestGroupWithoutDefaults(test_instance, interestGroup);

// Similar to joinInterestGroup, but leaves the interest group instead.
// Generally does not need to be called manually when using
// "joinInterestGroup()".
async function leaveInterestGroup(interestGroupOverrides = {}) {
  let interestGroup = {
    owner: window.location.origin,

  await navigator.leaveAdInterestGroup(interestGroup);

// Runs a FLEDGE auction and returns the result. By default, the seller is the
// current frame's origin, and the only buyer is as well. The seller script
// rejects bids for URLs that don't contain "uuid" (to avoid running into issues
// with any interest groups from other tests), and reportResult() sends a report
// to createSellerReportURL(uuid).
// `auctionConfigOverrides` may be used to override fields in the auction
// configuration.
async function runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides = {}) {
  let auctionConfig = {
    seller: window.location.origin,
    decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
        { reportResult: `sendReportTo('${createSellerReportURL(uuid)}');` }),
    interestGroupBuyers: [window.location.origin],
    resolveToConfig: true,
  return await navigator.runAdAuction(auctionConfig);

// Checks that await'ed return value of runAdAuction() denotes a successful
// auction with a winner.
function expectSuccess(config) {
  assert_true(config !== null, `Auction unexpectedly had no winner`);
      config instanceof FencedFrameConfig,
      `Wrong value type returned from auction: ${config.constructor.type}`);

// Checks that await'ed return value of runAdAuction() denotes an auction
// without a winner (but no fatal error).
function expectNoWinner(result) {
  assert_true(result === null, 'Auction unexpectedly had a winner');

// Wrapper around runBasicFledgeAuction() that runs an auction with the specified
// arguments, expecting the auction to have a winner. Returns the FencedFrameConfig
// from the auction.
async function runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides = {}) {
  let config = await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides);
  return config;

// Wrapper around runBasicFledgeAuction() that runs an auction with the specified
// arguments, expecting the auction to have no winner.
async function runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(
    test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides = {}) {
  let result = await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides);

// Creates a fenced frame and applies fencedFrameConfig to it. Also adds a cleanup
// method to destroy the fenced frame at the end of the current test.
function createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, fencedFrameConfig) {
  let fencedFrame = document.createElement('fencedframe');
  fencedFrame.mode = 'opaque-ads';
  fencedFrame.config = fencedFrameConfig;
  test.add_cleanup(() => { document.body.removeChild(fencedFrame); });

// Calls runBasicFledgeAuction(), expecting the auction to have a winner.
// Creates a fenced frame that will be destroyed on completion of "test", and
// navigates it to the URN URL returned by the auction. Does not wait for the
// fenced frame to finish loading, since there's no API that can do that.
async function runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid,
                                                auctionConfigOverrides = {}) {
  let config = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid,
  createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, config);

// Joins an interest group and runs an auction, expecting a winner to be
// returned. "testConfig" can optionally modify the uuid, interest group or
// auctionConfig.
async function joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, testConfig = {}) {
  const uuid = testConfig.uuid ? testConfig.uuid : generateUuid(test);
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, testConfig.interestGroupOverrides);
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid, testConfig.auctionConfigOverrides);

// Joins an interest group and runs an auction, expecting no winner to be
// returned. "testConfig" can optionally modify the uuid, interest group or
// auctionConfig.
async function joinGroupAndRunBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, testConfig = {}) {
  const uuid = testConfig.uuid ? testConfig.uuid : generateUuid(test);
  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, testConfig.interestGroupOverrides);
  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, testConfig.auctionConfigOverrides);

// Test helper for report phase of auctions that lets the caller specify the
// body of reportResult() and reportWin(). Passing in null will cause there
// to be no reportResult() or reportWin() method.
// If the "SuccessCondition" fields are non-null and evaluate to false in
// the corresponding reporting method, the report is sent to an error URL.
// Otherwise, the corresponding 'reportResult' / 'reportWin' values are run.
// `codeToInsert` is a JS object that contains the following fields to control
// the code generated for the auction worklet:
// scoreAd - function body for scoreAd() seller worklet function
// reportResultSuccessCondition - Success condition to trigger reportResult()
// reportResult - function body for reportResult() seller worklet function
// generateBid - function body for generateBid() buyer worklet function
// reportWinSuccessCondition - Success condition to trigger reportWin()
// decisionScriptURLOrigin - Origin of decision script URL
// reportWin - function body for reportWin() buyer worklet function
// Additionally the following fields can be added to check for errors during the
// execution of the corresponding worklets:
// reportWinSuccessCondition - boolean condition added to reportWin() in the
// buyer worklet that triggers a sendReportTo() to an 'error' URL if not met.
// reportResultSuccessCondition - boolean condition added to reportResult() in
// the seller worklet that triggers a sendReportTo() to an 'error' URL if not
// met.
// `renderURLOverride` allows the ad URL of the joined InterestGroup to
// to be set by the caller.
// `auctionConfigOverrides` may be used to override fields in the auction
// configuration.
// Requesting error report URLs causes waitForObservedRequests() to throw
// rather than hang.
async function runReportTest(test, uuid, codeToInsert, expectedReportURLs,
    renderURLOverride, auctionConfigOverrides) {
  let scoreAd = codeToInsert.scoreAd;
  let reportResultSuccessCondition = codeToInsert.reportResultSuccessCondition;
  let reportResult = codeToInsert.reportResult;
  let generateBid = codeToInsert.generateBid;
  let reportWinSuccessCondition = codeToInsert.reportWinSuccessCondition;
  let reportWin = codeToInsert.reportWin;
  let decisionScriptURLOrigin = codeToInsert.decisionScriptURLOrigin;

  if (reportResultSuccessCondition) {
    reportResult = `if (!(${reportResultSuccessCondition})) {
                      sendReportTo('${createSellerReportURL(uuid, 'error')}');
                      return false;
  let decisionScriptURLParams = {};

  if (scoreAd !== undefined) {
    decisionScriptURLParams.scoreAd = scoreAd;

  if (reportResult !== null)
    decisionScriptURLParams.reportResult = reportResult;
    decisionScriptURLParams.error = 'no-reportResult';

  if (decisionScriptURLOrigin !== undefined) {
    decisionScriptURLParams.origin = decisionScriptURLOrigin;

  if (reportWinSuccessCondition) {
    reportWin = `if (!(${reportWinSuccessCondition})) {
                   sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, 'error')}');
                   return false;
  let biddingScriptURLParams = {};

  if (generateBid !== undefined) {
    biddingScriptURLParams.generateBid = generateBid;

  if (reportWin !== null)
    biddingScriptURLParams.reportWin = reportWin;
    biddingScriptURLParams.error = 'no-reportWin';

  let interestGroupOverrides =
      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(biddingScriptURLParams) };
  if (renderURLOverride) = [{ renderURL: renderURLOverride }]

  await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid, interestGroupOverrides);

  if (auctionConfigOverrides === undefined) {
    auctionConfigOverrides =
        { decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, decisionScriptURLParams) };
  } else if (auctionConfigOverrides.decisionLogicURL === undefined) {
    auctionConfigOverrides.decisionLogicURL =
        createDecisionScriptURL(uuid, decisionScriptURLParams);

  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides);
  await waitForObservedRequests(uuid, expectedReportURLs);

// Helper function for running a standard test of the additional bid and
// negative targeting features. This helper verifies that the auction produces a
// winner. It takes the following arguments:
// - test/uuid: the test object and uuid from the test case (see generateUuid)
// - buyers: array of strings, each a domain for a buyer participating in this
//       auction
// - actionNonce: string, the auction nonce for this auction, typically
//       retrieved from a prior call to navigator.createAuctionNonce
// - highestScoringOtherBid: the amount of the second-highest bid,
//       or zero if there's no second-highest bid
// - winningAdditionalBidId: the label of the winning bid
async function runAdditionalBidTest(test, uuid, buyers, auctionNonce,
                                    winningAdditionalBidId) {
  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(
      test, uuid,
      { interestGroupBuyers: buyers,
        auctionNonce: auctionNonce,
        additionalBids: additionalBidsPromise,
        decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
            { reportResult: `sendReportTo("${createSellerReportURL(uuid)}&highestScoringOtherBid=" + Math.round(browserSignals.highestScoringOtherBid));` })});

  await waitForObservedRequests(
      uuid, [createHighestScoringOtherBidReportURL(uuid, highestScoringOtherBid),
             createBidderReportURL(uuid, winningAdditionalBidId)]);

// Runs "script" in "child_window" via an eval call. The "child_window" must
// have been created by calling "createFrame()" below. "param" is passed to the
// context "script" is run in, so can be used to pass objects that
// "script" references that can't be serialized to a string, like
// fencedFrameConfigs.
async function runInFrame(test, child_window, script, param) {
  const messageUuid = generateUuid(test);
  let receivedResponse = {};

  let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    function WaitForMessage(event) {
      if ( !== messageUuid)
      receivedResponse =;
      if ( === 'success') {
      } else {
    window.addEventListener('message', WaitForMessage);
        {messageUuid: messageUuid, script: script, param: param}, '*');
  await promise;
  return receivedResponse.returnValue;

// Creates an frame and navigates it to a URL on "origin", and waits for the URL
// to finish loading by waiting for the frame to send an event. Then returns
// the frame's Window object. Depending on the value of "is_iframe", the created
// frame will either be a new iframe, or a new top-level main frame. In the iframe
// case, its "allow" field will be set to "permissions".
// Also adds a cleanup callback to "test", which runs all cleanup functions
// added within the frame and waits for them to complete, and then destroys the
// iframe or closes the window.
async function createFrame(test, origin, is_iframe = true, permissions = null) {
  const frameUuid = generateUuid(test);
  const frameURL =
  let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    function WaitForMessage(event) {
      if ( !== frameUuid)
      if ( === 'load complete') {
      } else {
    window.addEventListener('message', WaitForMessage);

  if (is_iframe) {
    let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    if (permissions)
      iframe.allow = permissions;
    iframe.src = frameURL;

    test.add_cleanup(async () => {
      await runInFrame(test, iframe.contentWindow, "await test_instance.do_cleanup();");

    await promise;
    return iframe.contentWindow;

  let child_window =;
  test.add_cleanup(async () => {
    await runInFrame(test, child_window, "await test_instance.do_cleanup();");

  await promise;
  return child_window;

// Wrapper around createFrame() that creates an iframe and optionally sets
// permissions.
async function createIframe(test, origin, permissions = null) {
  return await createFrame(test, origin, /*is_iframe=*/true, permissions);

// Wrapper around createFrame() that creates a top-level window.
async function createTopLevelWindow(test, origin) {
  return await createFrame(test, origin, /*is_iframe=*/false);

// Joins a cross-origin interest group. Currently does this by joining the
// interest group in an iframe, though it may switch to using a .well-known
// fetch to allow the cross-origin join, when support for that is added
// to these tests, so callers should not assume that's the mechanism in use.
async function joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(test, uuid, origin, interestGroupOverrides = {}) {
  let interestGroup = JSON.stringify(
      createInterestGroupForOrigin(uuid, origin, interestGroupOverrides));

  let iframe = await createIframe(test, origin, 'join-ad-interest-group');
  await runInFrame(test, iframe,
                   `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}", ${interestGroup})`);

// Joins an interest group in a top-level window, which has the same origin
// as the joined interest group.
async function joinInterestGroupInTopLevelWindow(
    test, uuid, origin, interestGroupOverrides = {}) {
  let interestGroup = JSON.stringify(
      createInterestGroupForOrigin(uuid, origin, interestGroupOverrides));

  let topLevelWindow = await createTopLevelWindow(test, origin);
  await runInFrame(test, topLevelWindow,
                   `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}", ${interestGroup})`);

// Opens a top-level window and calls joinCrossOriginInterestGroup() in it.
async function joinCrossOriginInterestGroupInTopLevelWindow(
    test, uuid, windowOrigin, interestGroupOrigin, interestGroupOverrides = {}) {
  let interestGroup = JSON.stringify(
      createInterestGroupForOrigin(uuid, interestGroupOrigin, interestGroupOverrides));

  let topLevelWindow = await createTopLevelWindow(test, windowOrigin);
  await runInFrame(test, topLevelWindow,
                  `await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
                        test_instance, "${uuid}", "${interestGroupOrigin}", ${interestGroup})`);

// Fetch directFromSellerSignals from seller and check header
// 'Ad-Auction-Signals' is hidden from documents.
async function fetchDirectFromSellerSignals(headers_content, origin) {
  const response = await fetch(
      { adAuctionHeaders: true, headers: headers_content });

  if (!('Negative-Test-Option' in headers_content)) {
        'Failed to fetch directFromSellerSignals: ' + await response.text());
      'Header "Ad-Auction-Signals" should be hidden from documents.');

// Generate directFromSellerSignals evaluation code for different worklets and
// pass to `runReportTest()` as `codeToInsert`.
function directFromSellerSignalsValidatorCode(uuid, expectedSellerSignals,
    expectedAuctionSignals, expectedPerBuyerSignals) {
  expectedSellerSignals = JSON.stringify(expectedSellerSignals);
  expectedAuctionSignals = JSON.stringify(expectedAuctionSignals);
  expectedPerBuyerSignals = JSON.stringify(expectedPerBuyerSignals);

  return {
    // Seller worklets
      `if (directFromSellerSignals == null ||
           directFromSellerSignals.sellerSignals !== ${expectedSellerSignals} ||
           directFromSellerSignals.auctionSignals !== ${expectedAuctionSignals} ||
           Object.keys(directFromSellerSignals).length !== 2) {
              throw 'Failed to get expected directFromSellerSignals in scoreAd(): ' +
      `directFromSellerSignals != null &&
           directFromSellerSignals.sellerSignals === ${expectedSellerSignals} &&
           directFromSellerSignals.auctionSignals === ${expectedAuctionSignals} &&
           Object.keys(directFromSellerSignals).length === 2`,

    // Bidder worklets
      `if (directFromSellerSignals == null ||
           directFromSellerSignals.perBuyerSignals !== ${expectedPerBuyerSignals} ||
           directFromSellerSignals.auctionSignals !== ${expectedAuctionSignals} ||
           Object.keys(directFromSellerSignals).length !== 2) {
              throw 'Failed to get expected directFromSellerSignals in generateBid(): ' +
      `directFromSellerSignals != null &&
           directFromSellerSignals.perBuyerSignals === ${expectedPerBuyerSignals} &&
           directFromSellerSignals.auctionSignals === ${expectedAuctionSignals} &&
           Object.keys(directFromSellerSignals).length === 2`,

let additionalBidHelper = function() {
  // Creates an additional bid with the given parameters. This additional bid
  // specifies a biddingLogicURL that provides an implementation of
  // reportAdditionalBidWin that triggers a sendReportTo() to the bidder report
  // URL of the winning additional bid. Additional bids are described in more
  // detail at
  function createAdditionalBid(uuid, auctionNonce, seller, buyer, interestGroupName, bidAmount,
                               additionalBidOverrides = {}) {
    return {
      interestGroup: {
        name: interestGroupName,
        biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
            origin: buyer,
            reportAdditionalBidWin: `sendReportTo("${createBidderReportURL(uuid, interestGroupName)}");`
        owner: buyer
      bid: {
        ad: ['metadata'],
        bid: bidAmount,
        render: createRenderURL(uuid)
      auctionNonce: auctionNonce,
      seller: seller,

  // Gets the testMetadata for an additional bid, initializing it if needed.
  function getAndMaybeInitializeTestMetadata(additionalBid) {
    if (additionalBid.testMetadata === undefined) {
      additionalBid.testMetadata = {};
    return additionalBid.testMetadata;

  // Tells the additional bid endpoint to correctly sign the additional bid with
  // the given secret keys before returning that as a signed additional bid.
  function signWithSecretKeys(additionalBid, secretKeys) {
        secretKeysForValidSignatures = secretKeys;

  // Tells the additional bid endpoint to incorrectly sign the additional bid with
  // the given secret keys before returning that as a signed additional bid. This
  // is used for testing the behavior when the auction encounters an invalid
  // signature.
  function incorrectlySignWithSecretKeys(additionalBid, secretKeys) {
        secretKeysForInvalidSignatures = secretKeys;

  // Adds a single negative interest group to an additional bid, as described at:
  function addNegativeInterestGroup(additionalBid, negativeInterestGroup) {
    additionalBid["negativeInterestGroup"] = negativeInterestGroup;

  // Adds multiple negative interest groups to an additional bid, as described at:
  function addNegativeInterestGroups(additionalBid, negativeInterestGroups,
                                     joiningOrigin) {
    additionalBid["negativeInterestGroups"] = {
      joiningOrigin: joiningOrigin,
      interestGroupNames: negativeInterestGroups

  // Fetch some number of additional bid from a seller and verify that the
  // 'Ad-Auction-Additional-Bid' header is not visible in this JavaScript context.
  // The `additionalBids` parameter is a list of additional bids.
  async function fetchAdditionalBids(seller, additionalBids) {
    const url = new URL(`${seller}${RESOURCE_PATH}`);
    url.searchParams.append('additionalBids', JSON.stringify(additionalBids));
    const response = await fetch(url.href, {adAuctionHeaders: true});

    assert_equals(response.status, 200, 'Failed to fetch additional bid: ' + await response.text());
        'Header "Ad-Auction-Additional-Bid" should not be available in JavaScript context.');

  return {
    createAdditionalBid: createAdditionalBid,
    signWithSecretKeys: signWithSecretKeys,
    incorrectlySignWithSecretKeys: incorrectlySignWithSecretKeys,
    addNegativeInterestGroup: addNegativeInterestGroup,
    addNegativeInterestGroups: addNegativeInterestGroups,
    fetchAdditionalBids: fetchAdditionalBids

// DeprecatedRenderURLReplacements helper function.
// Returns an object containing sample strings both before and after the
// replacements in 'replacements' have been applied by
// deprecatedRenderURLReplacements. All substitution strings will appear
// only once in the output strings.
function createStringBeforeAndAfterReplacements(deprecatedRenderURLReplacements) {
  let beforeReplacements = '';
  let afterReplacements = '';
    for (const [match, replacement] of Object.entries(deprecatedRenderURLReplacements)) {
      beforeReplacements += match + "/";
      afterReplacements += replacement + "/";
  return { beforeReplacements, afterReplacements };

// Delete all cookies. Separate function so that can be replaced with
// something else for testing outside of a WPT environment.
async function deleteAllCookies() {
  await test_driver.delete_all_cookies();

// Deletes all cookies (to avoid pre-existing cookies causing inconsistent
// output on failure) and sets a cookie with name "cookie" and a value of
// "cookie". Adds a cleanup task to delete all cookies again when the test
// is done.
async function setCookie(test) {
  await deleteAllCookies();
  document.cookie = 'cookie=cookie; path=/'