from pathlib import Path
# Returns incrementer.wasm, with appropriate headers. Depending on query
# parameter, it can simulate a variety of network errors.
def main(request, response):
error = request.GET.first(b"error", None)
if error == b"close-connection":
# Close connection without writing anything, to simulate a network
# error. The write call is needed to avoid writing the default headers.
response.close_connection = True
if error == b"http-error":
response.status = (404, b"OK")
response.status = (200, b"OK")
if error == b"wrong-content-type":
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"application/javascript")
elif error != b"no-content-type":
response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"application/wasm")
if error == b"bad-allow-fledge":
response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"sometimes")
elif error == b"fledge-not-allowed":
response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"false")
elif error != b"no-allow-fledge":
response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"true")
if error == b"no-body":
return b""
if error == b"not-wasm":
return b"This is not wasm"
return (Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "incrementer.wasm").read_bytes()