'use strict';
// This script depends on the following scripts:
// /fs/resources/messaging-helpers.js
// /fs/resources/test-helpers.js
// add_message_event_handlers() is the helper function used to setup all
// message targets, including iframes and workers.
// Adds a message event handler and a message error handler to |receiver|.
// The 'data' property from received MessageEvents must include a 'type'
// property. The 'type' selects the test logic to run. Most message type
// handlers use postMessage() to respond to the sender with test results.
// The sender then validates the test results after receiving the response.
// Both |target| and |target_origin| are optional. |target| is used
// to send message responses back to the sender. When omitted, the
// 'source' from received MessageEvents is used instead.
// For window messaging, |target_origin| specifies the origin to receive
// responses. Most window tests use '*' for the |target_origin|. Worker
// and message port tests must use undefined for |target_origin| to avoid
// exceptions.
function add_message_event_handlers(receiver, target, target_origin) {
receiver.addEventListener('message', async function (message_event) {
const message_data = message_event.data;
// Reply to the sender using the 'source' from the received MessageEvent.
let message_source = message_event.source;
if (message_source === null) {
// However, some message senders, like DedicatedWorkers, don't include
// a source. Fallback to the target when the source is null.
message_source = target;
try {
switch (message_data.type) {
case 'receive-message-port':
// Receive a MessagePort to use as a message target for testing.
case 'create-broadcast-channel':
// Create a BroadcastChannel to use as a message target for testing.
const broadcast_channel =
new BroadcastChannel(message_data.broadcast_channel_name);
{ type: 'broadcast-channel-created' },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
case 'receive-file-system-handles':
// Receive a list of cloned FileSystemFileHandles. Access the
// properties of each FileSystemFileHandle by serializing the
// handle to a JavaScript object. Then respond with the serialized
// results, enabling the sender to verify that the cloned handle
// produced the expected property values from this execution context.
const serialized_handles = [];
const cloned_handles = message_data.cloned_handles;
for (let i = 0; i < cloned_handles.length; ++i) {
const serialized = await serialize_handle(cloned_handles[i]);
type: 'receive-serialized-file-system-handles',
// Respond with the cloned handles to create new clones for
// the sender to verify.
}, { targetOrigin: target_origin });
case 'receive-serialized-file-system-handles':
// Do nothing. This message is meant for test runner validation.
// Other message targets may receive this message while testing
// broadcast channels.
case 'create-file':
// Create a new file and then respond to the sender with it.
const directory = await navigator.storage.getDirectory();
const file_handle =
await directory.getFileHandle('temp-file', { create: true });
{ type: 'receive-file', file_handle },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
case 'create-directory':
// Create a new directory and then respond to the sender with it.
const parent_directory = await navigator.storage.getDirectory();
const directory_handle =
await parent_directory.getDirectoryHandle('temp-directory',
{ create: true });
{ type: 'receive-directory', directory_handle },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
case 'create-sync-access-handle':
// Receive a file and create a sync access handle out of it. Report
// success to the sender.
let success = true;
try {
const access_handle =
await message_data.file_handle.createSyncAccessHandle();
} catch (error) {
success = false;
{ type: 'receive-sync-access-handle-result', success },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
throw `Unknown message type: '${message_data.type}'`;
} catch (error) {
// Respond with an error to trigger a failure in the sender's
// test runner.
message_source.postMessage(`ERROR: ${error}`,
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
receiver.addEventListener('messageerror', async function (message_event) {
// Select the target for message responses (see comment in 'message' event
// listener above).
let message_source = message_event.source;
if (message_source === null) {
message_source = target;
try {
// Respond with the MessageEvent's property values, enabling the sender
// to verify results.
const serialized_message_error_event =
type: 'serialized-message-error',
}, { targetOrigin: target_origin });
} catch (error) {
// Respond with an error to trigger a failure in the sender's
// test runner.
message_source.postMessage(`ERROR: ${error}`,
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });