'use strict';
// This script depends on the following scripts:
// /fs/resources/messaging-helpers.js
// /fs/resources/messaging-serialize-helpers.js
// /fs/resources/test-helpers.js
// /service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js
// Sets up a new broadcast channel in |target|. Posts a message instructing
// |target| to open the broadcast channel using |broadcast_channel_name|.
async function create_broadcast_channel(
test, broadcast_channel_name, receiver, target, target_origin) {
{ type: 'create-broadcast-channel', broadcast_channel_name },
{ targetOrigin: target_origin });
const event_watcher = new EventWatcher(test, receiver, 'message');
// Wait until |target| is listening to the broad cast channel.
const message_event = await event_watcher.wait_for('message');
assert_equals(message_event.data.type, 'broadcast-channel-created',
'The message target must receive a "broadcast-channel-created" message ' +
// This test is very similar to 'FileSystemBaseHandle-postMessage.js'. It
// starts by creating three message targets for the broadcast channel:
// an iframe, dedicated worker and a service worker. After setup, an array
// of FileSystemHandles is sent across the broadcast channel. The test
// expects three responses -- one from each message target.
directory_test(async (t, root) => {
const broadcast_channel_name = 'file-system-file-handle-channel';
const broadcast_channel = new BroadcastChannel(broadcast_channel_name);
const broadcast_channel_event_watcher =
new EventWatcher(t, broadcast_channel, 'message');
const iframe = await add_iframe(t, { src: kDocumentMessageTarget });
await create_broadcast_channel(
t, broadcast_channel_name, self, iframe.contentWindow, '*');
const scope = `${kServiceWorkerMessageTarget}` +
const registration = await create_service_worker(
t, kServiceWorkerMessageTarget, scope);
await create_broadcast_channel(
t, broadcast_channel_name,
navigator.serviceWorker, registration.installing);
const dedicated_worker =
create_dedicated_worker(t, kDedicatedWorkerMessageTarget);
await create_broadcast_channel(
t, broadcast_channel_name, dedicated_worker, dedicated_worker);
const handles = await create_file_system_handles(t, root);
{ type: 'receive-file-system-handles', cloned_handles: handles });
const expected_response_count = 3;
const responses = [];
for (let i = 0; i < expected_response_count; ++i) {
const message_event =
await broadcast_channel_event_watcher.wait_for('message');
const expected_serialized_handles = await serialize_handles(handles);
for (let i = 0; i < responses.length; ++i) {
assert_equals(responses[i].type, 'receive-serialized-file-system-handles',
'The test runner must receive a "serialized-file-system-handles" ' +
`message response. Actual response: ${responses[i]}`);
responses[i].serialized_handles, expected_serialized_handles);
await assert_equals_cloned_handles(responses[i].cloned_handles, handles);
}, 'Send and receive messages using a broadcast channel in an iframe, ' +
'dedicated worker and service worker.');