
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
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// Tests what happens when doing history navigation to an entry that's created
// via pushState, with and without BFCache:
// 1. Navigate to `urlA`.
// 2. `pushState(urlPushState)`.
// 3. Navigate to `urlB`.
// 4. Do a back navigation.
//    With BFCache, the page loaded at Step 1 is restored from BFCache,
//    and is not reloaded from `urlPushState` nor `urlA`.
//    Without BFCache, a page is loaded from `urlPushState`, not from `urlA`.
//    In both cases, `location` and `history.state` are set to those set by
//    `pushState()` in Step 2.
// See for more discussion on the
// specified, implemented and desired behaviors. While this test contradicts
// the current spec but matches the desired behavior, and the spec will be
// fixed as part of
for (const bfcacheDisabled of [false, true]) {
  const pushStateExecutorPath =

    funcBeforeNavigation: async (bfcacheDisabled, pushStateExecutorPath) => {
      const urlPushState = new URL(location.href);
      urlPushState.pathname = pushStateExecutorPath;
      if (bfcacheDisabled) {
        await disableBFCache();

      // `pushState(..., urlPushState)` on `urlA`,
      history.pushState('blue', '', urlPushState.href);
    argsBeforeNavigation: [bfcacheDisabled, pushStateExecutorPath],
    shouldBeCached: !bfcacheDisabled,
    funcAfterAssertion: async (pageA) => {
      // We've navigated to `urlB` and back again
      // (already done within `runBfcacheTest()`).
      // After the back navigation, `location` etc. should point to
      // `urlPushState` and the state that's pushed.
      const urlPushState = location.origin + pushStateExecutorPath +
                           '?uuid=' + pageA.context_id;
      assert_equals(await pageA.execute_script(() => location.href),
                    urlPushState, 'url');
      assert_equals(await pageA.execute_script(() => history.state),
                    'blue', 'history.state');

      if (bfcacheDisabled) {
        // When the page is not restored from BFCache, the HTML page is loaded
        // from `urlPushState` (not from `urlA`).
        assert_true(await pageA.execute_script(() => isLoadedFromPushState),
            'document should be loaded from urlPushState');
  }, 'back navigation to pushState()d page (' +
     (bfcacheDisabled ? 'not ' : '') + 'in BFCache)');