<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Session history interaction with redirects to unparseable URLs</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#create-navigation-params-by-fetching">
<link rel="help" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#read-ua-inline">
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const kUnparseableURL = self.origin + ":notaport/common/blank.html";
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(() => {
function getIframeLoadPromise() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.addEventListener('load', () => {
// Wait for the iframe to load + one task so that its navigations are
// not done in "replace" mode.
t.step_timeout(resolve, 0);
}, {once: true});
assert_equals(history.length, 1, "Precondition: history.length is 1");
const first_load_promise = getIframeLoadPromise();
iframe.src = '/common/blank.html';
await first_load_promise;
// This navigation will fail, because it redirects to an unparseable URL.
const error_load_promise = getIframeLoadPromise();
const error_url = new URL('resources/no-cache-single-redirect.py', location.href);
error_url.searchParams.append('uuid', token());
error_url.searchParams.append('location', kUnparseableURL);
iframe.src = error_url;
await error_load_promise;
assert_equals(history.length, 2,
"history.length is 2 after two iframe navigations beyond the initial " +
"about:blank Document, the first of which 'replaced' the initial " +
"about:blank Document");
// Per https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#read-ua-inline, error Documents have
// opaque origins, so the `contentDocument` shouldn't be accessible.
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument, null,
"Cannot reach iframe.contentDocument for error Documents");
const back_load_promise = getIframeLoadPromise();
await back_load_promise;
const forward_load_promise = getIframeLoadPromise();
await forward_load_promise;
assert_not_equals(iframe.contentDocument, null, "iframe.contentDocument is accessible");
assert_equals(iframe.contentDocument.body.innerText, "No redirect",
"Traversal to history entry whose URL was once associated with an " +
"error Document correctly requests the same URL again");
}, "Navigating to a url (A) that redirects to an unparseable URL (B), saves " +
"the URL (A) in the history entry, for later traversal");