window.waitForLoad = (t, iframe, urlRelativeToThisDocument) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.addEventListener("load", t.step_func(() => {
assert_equals(iframe.contentWindow.location.href, (new URL(urlRelativeToThisDocument, location.href)).href);
// Wait a bit longer to ensure all history stuff has settled, e.g. the document is "completely loaded"
// (which happens from a queued task).
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
}), { once: true });
window.waitForLoadAllowingIntermediateLoads = (t, iframe, urlRelativeToThisDocument) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const handler = t.step_func(() => {
if (iframe.contentWindow.location.href === (new URL(urlRelativeToThisDocument, location.href)).href) {
// Wait a bit longer to ensure all history stuff has settled, e.g. the document is "completely loaded"
// (which happens from a queued task).
setTimeout(resolve, 0);
iframe.removeEventListener("load", handler);
iframe.addEventListener("load", handler);
window.waitForMessage = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
window.addEventListener("message", e => {
}, { once: true });
window.setupSentinelIframe = async (t) => {
// If this iframe gets navigated by history.back(), then the iframe under test did not, so we did a replace.
const sentinelIframe = document.createElement("iframe");
sentinelIframe.src = "/common/blank.html?sentinelstart";
t.add_cleanup(() => sentinelIframe.remove());
await waitForLoad(t, sentinelIframe, "/common/blank.html?sentinelstart");
sentinelIframe.src = "/common/blank.html?sentinelend";
await waitForLoad(t, sentinelIframe, "/common/blank.html?sentinelend");
return sentinelIframe;
window.checkSentinelIframe = async (t, sentinelIframe) => {
// Go back. Since iframe should have done a replace, this should move sentinelIframe back, not iframe.
await waitForLoad(t, sentinelIframe, "/common/blank.html?sentinelstart");
window.insertIframe = (t, url, name) => {
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = url;
// In at least Chromium, window name targeting for form submission doesn't work if the name is set
// after the iframe is inserted into the DOM. So we can't just have callers do this themselves.
if (name) { = name;
// Intentionally not including the following:
// t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
// Doing so breaks some of the testdriver.js tests with "cannot find window" errors.
return iframe;
// TODO(domenic): clean up other tests in the parent directory to use this.
window.absoluteURL = relativeURL => {
return (new URL(relativeURL, location.href)).href;
// TODO(domenic): clean up other tests in the parent directory to use this.
window.codeInjectorURL = code => {
return absoluteURL("resources/code-injector.html?pipe=sub(none)&code=" + encodeURIComponent(code));
window.changeURLHost = (url, newHost) => {
const urlObj = new URL(url); = newHost;
return urlObj.href;