
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Cross-document navigations during cross-document traversals</title>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>

  According to the spec, if ongoing navigation is "traversal", the navigation
  fails and nothing happens.

<script type="module">
import { createIframe, waitForLoad, delay, waitForPotentialNetworkLoads } from "./resources/helpers.mjs";

promise_test(async t => {
  const iframe = await createIframe(t);
  const slowURL = (new URL("resources/", location.href)).href;

  // Setup
  // Extra delay()s are necessary because if we navigate "inside" the load
  // handler (i.e. in a promise reaction for the load handler) then it will
  // be a replace navigation.
  iframe.contentWindow.location.href = slowURL;
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  await delay(t, 0);
  iframe.contentWindow.location.href = "/common/blank.html?2";
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  await delay(t, 0);


  assert_equals(, "?2", "must not go back synchronously");

  iframe.contentWindow.location.href = "/common/blank.html?3";
  assert_equals(, "?2", "must not navigate synchronously");

  // We end up at and never at /common/blank.html?3
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  assert_equals(iframe.contentWindow.location.href, slowURL, "first load after the nav");

  await waitForPotentialNetworkLoads(t);
  assert_equals(iframe.contentWindow.location.href, slowURL, "must stay on");
}, "slow cross-document traversal and then fast cross-document navigation: traversal wins and nav is ignored");

promise_test(async t => {
  const iframe = await createIframe(t);
  const slowURL = (new URL("resources/", location.href)).href;

  // Setup
  // Extra delay()s are necessary because if we navigate "inside" the load
  // handler (i.e. in a promise reaction for the load handler) then it will
  // be a replace navigation. = "?1";
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  await delay(t, 0); = "?2";
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  await delay(t, 0);


  assert_equals(, "?2", "must not go back synchronously");

  iframe.contentWindow.location.href = slowURL;
  assert_equals(, "?2", "must not navigate synchronously");

  // We end up at ?1 and never at slowURL
  await waitForLoad(iframe);
  assert_equals(, "?1", "first load after the nav");

  // The long timeout is because would take 2 seconds, if it did load.
  await delay(t, 3000);
  assert_equals(, "?1", "must stay on ?1");
}, "fast cross-document traversal and then slow cross-document navigation: traversal wins and nav is ignored");