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<title>Navigating to a fragment should not clear forward history</title>
<link rel="help" href="https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#scroll-to-fragid">
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<link rel="author" href="mailto:[email protected]" title="Domenic Denicola">
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<script src="navigate-helpers.js"></script>
"use strict";
let resolve, iframe;
promise_test(() => {
iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "/common/blank.html";
iframe.addEventListener("load", runTest);
return new Promise(r => resolve = r);
function runTest() {
iframe.removeEventListener("load", runTest);
const frameWindow = iframe.contentWindow;
resolve((async () => {
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow, w => w.location.href = "/common/blank.html#apple");
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow, w => w.location.href = "/common/blank.html#banana");
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow, w => w.location.href = "/common/blank.html#cat");
assert_equals(frameWindow.location.hash, "#cat");
// Might not be 4 (= 3 for iframe + 1 initial) due to cross-browser differences or if people are
// running this test in a window that has previously been places. The important thing for this
// test is the delta from this value.
const afterThreeNavigations = frameWindow.history.length;
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow, w => w.history.back());
assert_equals(frameWindow.location.hash, "#banana");
assert_equals(frameWindow.history.length, afterThreeNavigations,
"back() must not change the history length");
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow,
w => w.location.replace("/common/blank.html#zebra"));
assert_equals(frameWindow.location.hash, "#zebra");
assert_equals(frameWindow.history.length, afterThreeNavigations,
"replace() must not change the history length");
// As of the time of this writing (2017-08-14), Firefox is not firing hashchange on forward, so
// we automatically assume navigation succeeded after 100 ms. A sibling test will test this
// particular Firefox bug.
await navigateAndWaitForChange(frameWindow, w => w.history.forward(),
{ assumeSuccessAfter: 500 });
assert_equals(frameWindow.location.hash, "#cat");
assert_equals(frameWindow.history.length, afterThreeNavigations,
"forward() must not change the history length");