
<!DOCTYPE html>
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  <title>Location objects' custom [[GetPrototypeOf]] trap permit [[Prototype]] chain cycles to be created through them</title>

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<iframe id="same-origin-different-window"></iframe>
<iframe id="cross-origin-joined-via-document-domain"></iframe>

"use strict";

// Handle same-origin, same-window testing first, before any async-requiring
// testing.
test(function() {
  var LocationPrototype = Location.prototype;
  var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;

  var loc = window.location;

  var locProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(loc);
  assert_equals(locProto, LocationPrototype,
                "loc's initial [[Prototype]]");

  var originalLocProtoProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto);
  assert_equals(originalLocProtoProto, ObjectPrototype,
                "Location.prototype's initial [[Prototype]]");

  Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, loc);

  assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto), loc,
                "LocationPrototype's new [[Prototype]]");
  assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(loc), locProto,
                "loc's new [[Prototype]]");

  // Reset so as not to muck with testharness.js expectations.
  Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, originalLocProtoProto);
}, "same-origin, same-window location cycle");

var pathdir =
  location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

var triggerCrossOriginTest = (function() {
  var crossOrigin =

  var t = async_test("cross-origin location has null prototype");

  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    crossOrigin.onload = t.step_func_done(function(e) {
      try {
        var win = crossOrigin.contentWindow;

        var loc = win.location;

        // Between un-opted-in windows, location objects appear to have null
        // [[Prototype]].
        assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(loc), null,
                      "cross-origin unjoined location's [[Prototype]");

      } catch (e) {
        throw e;

    crossOrigin.src =
      "//{{domains[www]}}:" + location.port + pathdir + "cross_origin_joined_frame.sub.html";
  .catch(t.unreached_func("crossOrigin onload/src setting"));

var triggerSameOriginTest = (function() {
  var sameOriginDifferentWindow =

  var t = async_test("same-origin, different-window location cycle");

  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    sameOriginDifferentWindow.onload = t.step_func_done(function() {
      try {
        var win = sameOriginDifferentWindow.contentWindow;

        var loc = win.location;
        var LocationPrototype = win.Location.prototype;
        var ObjectPrototype = win.Object.prototype;

        var locProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(loc);
        assert_equals(locProto, LocationPrototype,
                      "loc's initial [[Prototype]]");

        var originalLocProtoProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto);
        assert_equals(originalLocProtoProto, ObjectPrototype,
                      "Location.prototype's initial [[Prototype]]");

        Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, loc);

        assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto), loc,
                      "LocationPrototype's new [[Prototype]]");
        assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(loc), locProto,
                      "loc's new [[Prototype]]");

        // Reset so as not to muck with testharness.js expectations.
        Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, originalLocProtoProto);

      } catch (e) {
        throw e;

    sameOriginDifferentWindow.src = "same_origin_frame.html";
  .catch(t.unreached_func("sameOriginDifferentWindow onload/src setting"));

function crossOriginJoinTest() {
  var win =

  assert_equals(document.domain, "{{host}}");

  var loc = win.location;

  var threw = false;
  try {
    // Still cross-origin until the document.domain set below.
  } catch (e) {
    threw = true;

  assert_equals(threw, true,
                "accessing win.Location before joining win's origin");

  // Join with other frames that have set |document.domain| to this same
  // value -- namely, this cross-origin frame.  Now access between the two
  // windows should be permitted.
  assert_equals(document.domain, "{{host}}",
                "initial document.domain sanity check");
  document.domain = "{{host}}";

  var LocationPrototype = win.Location.prototype;
  var ObjectPrototype = win.Object.prototype;

  var locProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(loc);
  assert_equals(locProto, LocationPrototype,
                "loc's initial [[Prototype]]");

  var originalLocProtoProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto);
  assert_equals(originalLocProtoProto, ObjectPrototype,
                "Location.prototype's initial [[Prototype]]");

  Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, loc);

  assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(locProto), loc,
                "LocationPrototype's new [[Prototype]]");
  assert_equals(Object.getPrototypeOf(loc), locProto,
                "loc's new [[Prototype]]");

  // Reset so as not to muck with testharness.js expectations.
  Object.setPrototypeOf(locProto, originalLocProtoProto);

function run() {
  var t =
    async_test("cross-origin, but joined via document.domain, location cycle");

  // The cross-origin/joined case must be tested after both unjoined same-origin
  // and unjoined cross-origin tests: by mucking with document.domain, the
  // cross-origin/joined case makes it impossible to perform those tests.
  t.step(function() {
    Promise.all([triggerCrossOriginTest, triggerSameOriginTest])
                 t.unreached_func("cross-origin joined error case"));