
// META: variant=?assign
// META: variant=?customproperty
// META: variant=?hash
// META: variant=?host
// META: variant=?hostname
// META: variant=?pathname
// META: variant=?port
// META: variant=?protocol
// META: variant=?reload
// META: variant=?search
// META: variant=?toString
// META: variant=?valueOf
// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// META: script=/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js

const property =;

promise_test(async t => {
  const iframeContext = new RemoteContext(token());
  const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
  iframe.src = get_host_info().REMOTE_ORIGIN +
    "/common/dispatcher/remote-executor.html?uuid=" + iframeContext.context_id;

  // Wait for the cross-origin document to be loaded inside the iframe.
    await iframeContext.execute_script(() => "Document loaded") ,
    "Document loaded"

  assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", () => {
    const unused = iframe.contentWindow.location[property];
  }, "Cross origin get of a location property should throw a security error");

  assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", () => {
    iframe.contentWindow.location[property] = "Random string";
  }, "Cross origin set of a location property should throw a security error");

  // Verify that the property was indeed not modified.
    await iframeContext.execute_script(property => location[property],
    "Random string",

  assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", () => {
    const unused = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
      iframe.contentWindow.location, property);
  }, "Cross origin get of descriptors should throw a security error");
}, `Verifying that cross-origin access of '${property}' is restricted`);