// Return whether the current context is sandboxed or not. The implementation do
// not matter much, but might have to change over time depending on what side
// effect sandbox flag have. Feel free to update as needed.
const is_sandboxed = () => {
try {
document.domain = document.domain;
return "not sandboxed";
} catch (error) {
return "sandboxed";
promise_test(async test => {
const message = new Promise(r => window.addEventListener("message", r));
const iframe_unsandboxed = document.createElement("iframe");
const iframe_sandboxed = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe_sandboxed.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-scripts";
iframe_sandboxed.srcdoc = `
const is_sandboxed = ${is_sandboxed};
window.parent.postMessage(is_sandboxed(), '*');
assert_equals((await message).data, "not sandboxed");
}, "Using document.open() against a document from a different window must not" +
" mutate the other window's sandbox flags");