
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HTML Test: Named access on the Window object</title>
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<div id="log"></div>
<div style="display:none">
  <p name="a" id="p1"></p>
  <a name="a" id="a1" href="#"></a>
  <area name="a" id="area1"></area>
  <embed name="a" id="embed1"></embed>
  <form name="a" id="form1"></form>
  <img name="a" id="img1">
  <object name="a" id="obj1"></object>
  <span name="a" id="span1"></span>

  <b id="b" name="c"></b>
  <a name="c"></a>
  <iframe name="c" id="fm1"></iframe>
  <iframe name="c" id="fm2" src="test.html" onload="on_load()"></iframe>
  <input id="b"></input>
  <span id="d"></span>
  <a name=""></a>
  <b id=""></b>

test(function() {
  assert_equals(window['c'], document.getElementById("fm1").contentWindow, "The first iframe's window should be returned.");
}, "Check if the first nested browsing context is returned by window['c']");

test(function() {
  assert_true(window['a'] instanceof HTMLCollection);
                      [ document.getElementById('embed1'),
                        document.getElementById('form1'), document.getElementById('img1'),
                        document.getElementById('obj1') ],
                      "The elements are not in tree order.");

  document.getElementById('form1').setAttribute("name", "");
  document.getElementById('embed1').setAttribute("name", "");
                      [ document.getElementById('img1'),
                        document.getElementById('obj1') ],
                      "Window['a'] should not contain the elements with empty name attribute.");
}, "Check if window['a'] contains all embed, form, img, and object elements, and their order");

var t = async_test("Check that window['fs'] does not return the frameset element with name='fs' (historical)");
function on_load () {
  t.step(function () {
                  "The frameset element should not be returned.");

test(function() {
  assert_true(window['b'] instanceof HTMLCollection);
  assert_array_equals(window['b'], [document.getElementsByTagName('b')[0], document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]]);

  document.getElementsByTagName('b')[0].setAttribute("id", "");
  assert_equals(window['b'], document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0],
                "The window['b'] should not contain the elements with empty id attribute.");
}, "Check if window['b'] returns the elements with the id='b'");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(window['d'], document.getElementById('d'));
}, "Check if window['d'] returns the element with id='d'");

test(function() {
  assert_equals(window[''], undefined, "The window[''] should be undefined");
}, "Check widow[''] when there are some elements with empty id or name attribute");