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<title>[Browsing Context] : [APIs for creating browsing_contexts by name]</title>
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async_test(function() {
var currentUrl = 'http://' + window.location.host + '/common/blank.html';
var win = window.open(currentUrl, '', 'height=1,width=1');
this.add_cleanup(function() { win.close(); });
win.onload = this.step_func_done(function () {
assert_equals(win.location.href, currentUrl, 'should be equal to result url');
}, 'first argument: absolute url');
test(function() {
var win = window.open('', '', 'height=1,width=1');
this.add_cleanup(function() { win.close(); });
assert_equals(win.location.href, 'about:blank', 'win.location.href');
assert_equals(win.document.charset, 'UTF-8', 'win.document.charset');
}, 'first argument: empty url');
test(function () {
var win = window.open('', 'testWindow', 'height=1,width=1');
assert_equals(win.name, 'testWindow', 'should have a browsing context name');
}, 'second argument: passing a non-empty name');
test(function () {
var win = window.open('', '', 'height=1,width=1');
this.add_cleanup(function() { win.close(); });
assert_equals(win.name, '', 'window should not have a name');
win.name = 'testWindow';
assert_equals(win.name, 'testWindow', 'window should have a name');
}, 'second argument: setting name after opening');