<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>window.open() with "noopener" tests</title>
<meta name="variant" content="?indexed">
<meta name="variant" content="?_self">
<meta name="variant" content="?_parent">
<meta name="variant" content="?_top">
<meta name=timeout content=long>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
var testData = [
{ testDescription: "window.open() with 'noopener' should reuse existing target",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noopener",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "noopener=1 means the same as noopener",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noopener=1",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "noopener=true means the same as noopener",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noopener=true",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "noopener=0 means lack of noopener",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noopener=0",
shouldReturnWindow: true },
{ testDescription: "noopener separated only by spaces should work",
secondWindowFeatureString: "make me noopener",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "Trailing noopener should work",
secondWindowFeatureString: "abc def, \n\r noopener",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "Leading noopener should work",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noopener \f\t , hey, there",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "Interior noopener should work",
secondWindowFeatureString: "and now, noopener , hey, there",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
{ testDescription: "noreferrer should also suppress opener when reusing existing target",
secondWindowFeatureString: "noreferrer",
shouldReturnWindow: false },
* Loop over our testData array and kick off an async test for each entry. Each
* async test opens a window using window.open() with some per-test unique name,
* then tries to do a second window.open() call with the same name and the
* test-specific feature string. It then checks whether that second
* window.open() call reuses the existing window, whether the return value of
* the second window.open() call is correct (it should be null in the noopener
* cases and non-null in the cases when the existing window gets reused) and so
* forth.
function indexedTests() {
var tests = [];
for(var i = 0; i < testData.length; ++i) {
var test = testData[i];
var t = async_test(test.testDescription);
t.secondWindowFeatureString = test.secondWindowFeatureString;
t.windowName = "someuniquename" + i;
if (test.shouldReturnWindow) {
t.step(function() {
var windowName = this.windowName;
var w1 = window.open("", windowName);
this.add_cleanup(function() { w1.close(); });
assert_equals(w1.opener, window);
var w2 = window.open("", windowName, this.secondWindowFeatureString);
assert_equals(w2, w1);
assert_equals(w2.opener, w1.opener);
assert_equals(w2.opener, window);
} else {
t.step(function() {
var w1;
this.add_cleanup(function() {
var windowName = this.windowName;
var channel = new BroadcastChannel(windowName);
channel.onmessage = this.step_func_done(function(e) {
var data = e.data;
assert_equals(data.name, windowName, "Should have the right name");
assert_equals(data.haveOpener, true, "Should still have opener");
assert_equals(w1.opener, window);
assert_not_equals(w1.location.href, "about:blank", "Should have navigated");
w1 = window.open("", windowName);
assert_equals(w1.opener, window);
var w2 = window.open("support/noopener-target.html?" + windowName,
windowName, this.secondWindowFeatureString);
assert_equals(w2, null);
assert_equals(w1.opener, window);
* Loop over the special targets that ignore noopener and check that doing a
* window.open() with those targets correctly reuses the existing window.
function specialTargetTest(target) {
if (["_self", "_parent", "_top"].includes(target)) {
var t = async_test("noopener window.open targeting " + target);
t.openedWindow = window.open(`javascript:var w2 = window.open("", "${target}", "noopener"); this.checkValues(w2); this.close(); void(0);`);
assert_equals(t.openedWindow.opener, window);
t.openedWindow.checkValues = t.step_func_done(function(win) {
assert_equals(win, this.openedWindow);
} else {
throw 'testError: special target must be one of: _self, _parent, _top'
* Parse the Query string, check if it matches keyword 'indexed' to run the indexed tests,
* otherwise test it as a special target
var variant = window.location.href.split("?")[1]
if(variant == "indexed") {
} else {