
<title>Test of canvas shadowBlur Gaussian blur pixel values</title>
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<h1>Test of canvas shadowBlur Gaussian blur pixel values</h1>

 * See
function erf(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    return -erf(-x);
  var p = 0.3275911, a1 = 0.254829592, a2 = -0.284496736, a3 = 1.421413741, a4 = -1.453152027, a5 = 1.061405429;
  var t = 1 / (1 + p * x);
  return 1 - Math.exp(-x * x) * t * (a1 + t * (a2 + t * (a3 + t * (a4 + t * a5))));

 * See
 * and
function standard_normal_distribution_cumulative(x) {
  return 0.5 * (1 + erf(x / Math.SQRT2));

 * Verify a single pixel; helper for run_blur_test.
 *   params - same as run_blur_test
 *   row & col - relative to the corner of the rectangle being blurred
 *   actual - actual color found there on the canvas
function test_pixel(params, row, col, shadowOffset, actual) {
  var expected_gaussian;
  if (params.expected_sigma > 0) {
    // Compute positions within a standard normal distribution (i.e.,
    // where mean (μ) is and standard deviation (σ) is 1) in both
    // dimensions.
    // Add 0.5 because we want the middle of the pixel rather than the edge.
    var pos_x = (col - shadowOffset + 0.5) / params.expected_sigma;
    var pos_y = (row - shadowOffset + 0.5) / params.expected_sigma;

    // Find the expected color value based on a Gaussian blur function.
    // Since we're blurring the corner of a "very large" rectangle, we
    // can, instead of sampling all of the pixels, use the cumulative
    // form of the normal (Gaussian) distribution and pass it the
    // position of the color transition (the edges of the rectangle),
    // since we know everything above and to the left of that position
    // is one color, and everything that is either below or to the right
    // of that position is another color.
    // NOTE: This assumes color-interpolation happens in sRGB rather
    // than linearRGB.  The canvas spec doesn't appear to be clear on
    // this point.  If it were linearRGB, we'd need to apply the
    // correction after doing this calculation.  (No correction to the
    // input is needed since the input is all 0 or 1.)
    expected_gaussian = standard_normal_distribution_cumulative(-pos_x) *
  } else {
    if (col >= shadowOffset || row >= shadowOffset) {
      expected_gaussian = 0;
    } else {
      expected_gaussian = 1;
  // TODO: maybe also compute expected value by triple box blur?

   * describes how to draw shadows in canvas.  It says, among other things:
   *   Perform a 2D Gaussian Blur on B, using σ as the standard deviation.
   * without giving *any* allowance for error.
   * However, other specifications that require Gaussian blurs allow some
   * error; allows up to
   * 5%, and
   * allows use of a triple box blur which is within 3%.
   * Since expecting zero error is unreasonable, this test tests for the least
   * restrictive of these bounds, the 5% error.
   * Note that this allows 5% error in the color component, but there's no
   * tolerance for error in the position; see comment below about sizes.

  // Allow any rounding direction.
  var min_b = Math.max(  0, Math.floor((expected_gaussian - 0.05) * 255));
  var max_b = Math.min(255, Math.ceil ((expected_gaussian + 0.05) * 255));
  var min_r = 255 - max_b;
  var max_r = 255 - min_b;

  var pos = "at row " + row + " col " + col + " ";

  assert_true(min_r <= actual.r && actual.r <= max_r,
              pos + "red component " + actual.r + " should be between " +
              min_r + " and " + max_r + " (inclusive).");
  assert_true(min_b <= actual.b && actual.b <= max_b,
              pos + "blue component " + actual.b + " should be between " +
              min_b + " and " + max_b + " (inclusive).");
  assert_equals(actual.g, 0, pos + "green component should be 0");
  assert_equals(actual.a, 255, pos + "alpha component should be 255");

 * Run a test of a single shadowBlur drawing operation.  Expects a
 * parameters object containing:
 *   name - name of test
 *   canvas_width - width of canvas to create
 *   canvas_height - height of canvas to create
 *   shadowBlur - shadowBlur to use for the test drawing operation
 *   expected_sigma - the standard deviation of the gaussian function
 *     that shadowBlur is expected to produce
 *   pixel_skip - how many pixels to skip when sampling results.  Should
 *     be relatively prime with canvas_width.
function run_blur_test(params) {
  test(function() {
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    canvas.setAttribute("width", params.canvas_width);
    canvas.setAttribute("height", params.canvas_height);
    var cx = canvas.getContext("2d");

    cx.fillStyle = "red";
    cx.fillRect(0, 0, params.canvas_width, params.canvas_height);

    // Fill a huge rect just to the top and left of the canvas, with its shadow
    // blur centered at the middle of the canvas.
    let edge = Math.floor(params.canvas_width / 2); // position of vertical
    let big = Math.max(Math.ceil(params.expected_sigma * 1000),
    cx.shadowBlur = params.shadowBlur;
    cx.fillStyle = "green";
    cx.shadowColor = "blue";
    cx.shadowOffsetX = edge;
    cx.shadowOffsetY = edge;
    cx.fillRect(-big, -big, big, big);

    var imageData =
      cx.getImageData(0, 0, params.canvas_width, params.canvas_height);
    for (var i = 0, i_max = params.canvas_width * params.canvas_height;
         i < i_max;
         i += params.pixel_skip) {
      var row = Math.floor(i / params.canvas_width);
      var col = i - row * params.canvas_width;

      var actual = { r:[i * 4],
                     g:[i * 4 + 1],
                     b:[i * 4 + 2],
                     a:[i * 4 + 3] };

      test_pixel(params, row, col, edge, actual);
  }, "shadowBlur Gaussian pixel values for " +;

  name: "no blur",
  canvas_width: 4,
  canvas_height: 4,
  shadowBlur: 0,
  expected_sigma: 0,
  pixel_skip: 1
  name: "small blur",
  canvas_width: 20,
  canvas_height: 20,
  // Try to test something smaller than 8 due to historic change in
  // , but not too
  // small, to avoid the error from rounding to individual pixels worth
  // of box blur.
  shadowBlur: 6,
  expected_sigma: 3,
  pixel_skip: 3
  name: "large blur",
  canvas_width: 100,
  canvas_height: 100,
  shadowBlur: 30,
  expected_sigma: 15,
  pixel_skip: 13