
- name:
  desc: canvas refers back to its canvas
  code: |
    @assert ctx.canvas === canvas;

- name:
  desc: Canvas objects are readonly
  code: |
    var canvas2 = {{ new_canvas }};
    var d = ctx.canvas;
    @assert canvas2 !== d;
    ctx.canvas = canvas2;
    @assert ctx.canvas === d;
  variants: &new-canvas-definition
   - HtmlCanvas:
       append_variants_to_name: false
       canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
       new_canvas: |-
       append_variants_to_name: false
       canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
       new_canvas: |-
         new OffscreenCanvas(100, 50)

- name:
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  desc: window.HTMLCanvasElement interface object is [[Configurable]]
  code: |
    @assert delete window.HTMLCanvasElement === true;
    @assert window.HTMLCanvasElement === undefined;

- name:
  canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
  desc: OffscreenCanvas interface object is [[Configurable]]
  code: |
    {% set root = 'self' if canvas_type == 'Worker' else 'window' %}
    @assert delete {{ root }}.OffscreenCanvas === true;
    @assert {{ root }}.OffscreenCanvas === undefined;

- name:
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  desc: HTMLCanvasElement type and toString
  code: |
    @assert === '[object HTMLCanvasElement]';

- name:
  canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
  desc: OffscreenCanvas type and toString
  code: |
    @assert === '[object OffscreenCanvas]';

- name: 2d.canvas.context.exists
  desc: The 2D context is implemented
  code: |
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d') !== null;

- name: 2d.canvas.context.extraargs.create
  desc: The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (new context)
  code: |
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', false, {}, [], 1, "2") !== null;
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', 123) !== null;
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', "test") !== null;
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', undefined) !== null;
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', null) !== null;
    @assert {{ new_canvas }}.getContext('2d', Symbol.hasInstance) !== null;
  variants: *new-canvas-definition

- name: 2d.canvas.context.invalid.args
  desc: Calling getContext with invalid arguments.
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  code: |
    @assert canvas.getContext('') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d#') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('This is clearly not a valid context name.') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d\0') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2\uFF44') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2D') === null;
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext();
    @assert canvas.getContext('null') === null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('undefined') === null;

- name: 2d.canvas.context.invalid.args
  desc: Calling getContext with invalid arguments.
  canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
  code: |
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('This is not an implemented context in any real browser');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('2d#');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('2d\0');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('2\uFF44');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('2D');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext();
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('null');
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.getContext('undefined');

- name: 2d.canvas.context.extraargs.cache
  desc: The 2D context doesn't throw with extra getContext arguments (cached)
  code: |
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', false, {}, [], 1, '2') !== null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', 123) !== null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', 'test') !== null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', undefined) !== null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', null) !== null;
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d', Symbol.hasInstance) !== null;

- name: 2d.canvas.context.unique
  desc: getContext('2d') returns the same object
  code: |
    @assert canvas.getContext('2d') === canvas.getContext('2d');

- name: 2d.canvas.context.shared
  desc: getContext('2d') returns objects which share canvas state
  code: |
    var ctx2 = canvas.getContext('2d');
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx2.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;
  expected: green

- name:
  desc: Initial state is transparent black
  code: |
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,0,0,0;

- name:
  desc: Changing size resets canvas to transparent black
  code: |
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 255,0,0,255;
    canvas.width = 50;
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,0,0,0;

- name:
  desc: Setting size (not changing the value) resets canvas to transparent black
  code: |
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 255,0,0,255;
    canvas.width = 100;
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,0,0,0;

- name:
  desc: Resetting the canvas state resets the current path
  code: |
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.rect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,0,0,0;

- name:
  desc: Resetting the canvas state resets the current clip region
  code: |
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,255,0,255;

- name:
  desc: Resetting the canvas state resets the current transformation matrix
  code: |
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.scale(0.1, 0.1);
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 20,20 == 0,255,0,255;

- name:
  desc: Resetting the canvas state does not invalidate any existing gradients
  code: |
    canvas.width = 50;
    var g = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 100, 0);
    g.addColorStop(0, '#0f0');
    g.addColorStop(1, '#0f0');
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.fillStyle = g;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;

- name:
  desc: Resetting the canvas state does not invalidate any existing patterns
  code: |
    canvas.width = 30;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 30, 50);
    var p = ctx.createPattern(canvas, 'repeat-x');
    canvas.width = 100;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.fillStyle = p;
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;

- name:
  desc: Setting width/height IDL attributes to 0
  code: |
    canvas.width = 0;
    canvas.height = 0;
    @assert canvas.width === 0;
    @assert canvas.height === 0;

- name:
  desc: Getting/setting width/height IDL attributes
  code: |
    canvas.width = '100';
    canvas.height = '100';
    @assert canvas.width === 100;
    @assert canvas.height === 100;
    canvas.width = 301.999;
    canvas.height = 301.001;
    @assert canvas.width === 301;
    @assert canvas.height === 301;
    canvas.width = "+1.5e2";
    canvas.height = "0x96";
    @assert canvas.width === 150;
    @assert canvas.height === 150;

- name:
  canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
  desc: Getting/setting width/height IDL attributes
  code: |
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.width = 200 - Math.pow(2, 32);
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.height = 200 - Math.pow(2, 32);
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.width = '400x';
    @assert throws TypeError canvas.height = 'foo';

- name:
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  desc: Getting/setting width/height IDL attributes
  code: |
    canvas.width = 200 - Math.pow(2, 32);
    canvas.height = 200 - Math.pow(2, 32);
    @assert canvas.width === 200;
    @assert canvas.height === 200;
    canvas.width = '400x';
    canvas.height = 'foo';
    @assert canvas.width === 0;
    @assert canvas.height === 0;

- name:
  desc: Default width/height when attributes are missing
  code: |
    @assert canvas.width === 100;
    @assert canvas.height === 50;

- name:
  size: [120, 50]
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  desc: Removing content attributes reverts to default size
  code: |
    @assert canvas.width === 120;
    @assert canvas.width === 300;

- name:
  desc: Setting IDL attributes updates IDL and content attributes
  code: |
    canvas.width = 120;
    canvas.height = 60;
    @assert canvas.width === 120;
    @assert canvas.height === 60;
    {% if canvas_type == 'HtmlCanvas' %}
    @assert canvas.getAttribute('width') === '120';
    @assert canvas.getAttribute('height') === '60';
    {% endif %}

- name:
  desc: Setting IDL attributes to 0 updates IDL and content attributes
  code: |
    canvas.width = 0;
    canvas.height = 0;
    {% if canvas_type == 'HtmlCanvas' %}
    _assertSame(canvas.getAttribute('width'), '0', "canvas.getAttribute('width')", "'0'");
    _assertSame(canvas.getAttribute('height'), '0', "canvas.getAttribute('height')", "'0'");
    {% endif %}
    @assert canvas.width === 0;
    @assert canvas.height === 0;

- name:
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  desc: Setting content attributes updates IDL and content attributes
  code: |
    canvas.setAttribute('width', '120');
    canvas.setAttribute('height', '60');
    @assert canvas.getAttribute('width') === '120';
    @assert canvas.getAttribute('height') === '60';
    @assert canvas.width === 120;
    @assert canvas.height === 60;

- name:
  notes: Not sure how reasonable this is, but the spec doesn't say there's an upper
    limit on the size.
  code: |
    var n = 2147483647; // 2^31 - 1, which should be supported by any sensible definition of "long"
    canvas.width = n;
    canvas.height = n;
    @assert canvas.width === n;
    @assert canvas.height === n;

- name: 2d.canvas.context.prototype
  desc: checks CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  code: |
    @assert Object.getPrototypeOf(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype) === Object.prototype;
    @assert Object.getPrototypeOf(ctx) === CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;

- name: 2d.canvas.context.prototype
  desc: checks OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D prototype
  canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas', 'Worker']
  code: |
    @assert Object.getPrototypeOf(OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype) === Object.prototype;
    @assert Object.getPrototypeOf(ctx) === OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;

- name:
  desc: CSS-scaled canvases get drawn correctly
  canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
  size: [50, 25]
  canvas: 'style="width: 100px; height: 50px"'
  code: |
    ctx.fillStyle = '#00f';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 25);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0ff';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 25, 10);
  expected: |
    size 100 50
    cr.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 1)
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    cr.set_source_rgb(0, 1, 1)
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 50, 20)

- name: 2d.canvas.context.type.exists
  desc: The 2D context interface is a property of '{{ root }}'
  notes: &bindings Defined in "Web IDL" (draft)
  code: |
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }};
  variants: &get-context-definition
    - HtmlCanvas:
        append_variants_to_name: false
        canvas_types: ['HtmlCanvas']
        root: window
        context_object: CanvasRenderingContext2D
        append_variants_to_name: false
        canvas_types: ['OffscreenCanvas']
        root: window
        context_object: OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
        append_variants_to_name: false
        canvas_types: ['Worker']
        root: self
        context_object: OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D

- name: 2d.canvas.context.type.extend
  desc: Interface methods can be added
  notes: *bindings
  code: |
    {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fillRectGreen = function (x, y, w, h)
        this.fillStyle = '#0f0';
        this.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRectGreen(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;
  expected: green
  variants: *get-context-definition

- name: 2d.canvas.context.type.replace
  desc: Interface methods can be overridden
  notes: *bindings
  code: |
    var fillRect = {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fillRect;
    {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fillRect = function (x, y, w, h)
        this.fillStyle = '#0f0';, x, y, w, h);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;
  expected: green
  variants: *get-context-definition

- name: 2d.canvas.context.type.prototype
  desc: window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype are not [[Writable]] and not [[Configurable]],
    and its methods are [[Configurable]].
  notes: *bindings
  code: |
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype;
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fill;
    {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype = null;
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype;
    delete {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype;
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype;
    {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fill = 1;
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fill === 1;
    delete {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fill;
    @assert {{ root }}.{{ context_object }}.prototype.fill === undefined;
  variants: *get-context-definition