
- meta: |
    cases = [
        ("zero", "0", 0),
        ("empty", "", None),
        ("onlyspace", "  ", None),
        ("space", "  100", 100),
        ("whitespace", "\r\n\t\f100", 100),
        ("plus", "+100", 100),
        ("minus", "-100", None),
        ("octal", "0100", 100),
        ("hex", "0x100", 0),
        ("exp", "100e1", 100),
        ("decimal", "100.999", 100),
        ("percent", "100%", 100),
        ("em", "100em", 100),
        ("junk", "#!?", None),
        ("trailingjunk", "100#!?", 100),
    def gen(name, string, exp, code):
        if exp is None:
            code += "@assert canvas.width === 300;\n@assert canvas.height === 150;\n"
            expected = "size 300 150"
            code += "@assert canvas.width === %s;\n@assert canvas.height === %s;\n" % (exp, exp)
            expected = "size %s %s" % (exp, exp)

            # With "100%", Opera gets canvas.width = 100 but renders at 100% of the frame width,
            # so check the CSS display width
            code += '@assert window.getComputedStyle(canvas, null).getPropertyValue("width") === "%spx";\n' % (exp, )

        code += "@assert canvas.getAttribute('width') === %r;\n" % string
        code += "@assert canvas.getAttribute('height') === %r;\n" % string

        if exp == 0:
            expected = None # can't generate zero-sized PNGs for the expected image

        return code, expected

    for name, string, exp in cases:
        code = ""
        code, expected = gen(name, string, exp, code)
        # We need to replace \r with 
 because \r\n gets converted to \n in the HTML parser.
        htmlString = string.replace('\r', '
        tests.append( {
            "name": "" % name,
            "desc": "Parsing of non-negative integers",
            "size": '%s, %s' % (htmlString, htmlString),
            "code": code,
            "expected": expected
        } )

    for name, string, exp in cases:
        code = "canvas.setAttribute('width', %r);\ncanvas.setAttribute('height', %r);\n" % (string, string)
        code, expected = gen(name, string, exp, code)
        tests.append( {
            "name": "" % name,
            "desc": "Parsing of non-negative integers in setAttribute",
            "size": '50, 50',
            "code": code,
            "expected": expected
        } )

- meta: |
    # Composite operation tests
    # <>
    ops = [
        # name               FA      FB
        ('source-over',      '1',    '1-aA'),
        ('destination-over', '1-aB', '1'),
        ('source-in',        'aB',   '0'),
        ('destination-in',   '0',    'aA'),
        ('source-out',       '1-aB', '0'),
        ('destination-out',  '0',    '1-aA'),
        ('source-atop',      'aB',   '1-aA'),
        ('destination-atop', '1-aB', 'aA'),
        ('xor',              '1-aB', '1-aA'),
        ('copy',             '1',    '0'),
        ('lighter',          '1',    '1'),
        ('clear',            '0',    '0'),

    # The ones that change the output when src = (0,0,0,0):
    ops_trans = [ 'source-in', 'destination-in', 'source-out', 'destination-atop', 'copy' ];

    def calc_output(A, B, FA_code, FB_code):
        (RA, GA, BA, aA) = A
        (RB, GB, BB, aB) = B
        rA, gA, bA = RA*aA, GA*aA, BA*aA
        rB, gB, bB = RB*aB, GB*aB, BB*aB

        FA = eval(FA_code)
        FB = eval(FB_code)

        rO = rA*FA + rB*FB
        gO = gA*FA + gB*FB
        bO = bA*FA + bB*FB
        aO = aA*FA + aB*FB

        rO = min(255, rO)
        gO = min(255, gO)
        bO = min(255, bO)
        aO = min(1, aO)

        if aO:
            RO = rO / aO
            GO = gO / aO
            BO = bO / aO
        else: RO = GO = BO = 0

        return (RO, GO, BO, aO)

    def to_test(color):
        r, g, b, a = color
        return '%d,%d,%d,%d' % (round(r), round(g), round(b), round(a*255))
    def to_cairo(color):
        r, g, b, a = color
        return '%f,%f,%f,%f' % (r/255., g/255., b/255., a)

    for (name, src, dest) in [
        ('solid', (255, 255, 0, 1.0), (0, 255, 255, 1.0)),
        ('transparent', (0, 0, 255, 0.75), (0, 255, 0, 0.5)),
            # catches the atop, xor and lighter bugs in Opera 9.10
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            expected = calc_output(src, dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, src, to_test(expected)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % to_cairo(expected),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('image', (255, 255, 0, 0.75), (0, 255, 255, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            expected = calc_output(src, dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'images': [ 'yellow75.png' ],
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.drawImage(document.getElementById('yellow75.png'), 0, 0);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, to_test(expected)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % to_cairo(expected),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('canvas', (255, 255, 0, 0.75), (0, 255, 255, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            expected = calc_output(src, dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'images': [ 'yellow75.png' ],
                'code': """
    var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas2.width = canvas.width;
    canvas2.height = canvas.height;
    var ctx2 = canvas2.getContext('2d');
    ctx2.drawImage(document.getElementById('yellow75.png'), 0, 0);
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.drawImage(canvas2, 0, 0);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, to_test(expected)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % to_cairo(expected),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('uncovered.fill', (0, 0, 255, 0.75), (0, 255, 0, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            if op not in ops_trans: continue
            expected0 = calc_output((0,0,0,0.0), dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'desc': 'fill() draws pixels not covered by the source object as (0,0,0,0), and does not leave the pixels unchanged.',
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.translate(0, 25);
    ctx.fillRect(0, 50, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, src, to_test(expected0)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % (to_cairo(expected0)),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('uncovered.image', (255, 255, 0, 1.0), (0, 255, 255, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            if op not in ops_trans: continue
            expected0 = calc_output((0,0,0,0.0), dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'desc': 'drawImage() draws pixels not covered by the source object as (0,0,0,0), and does not leave the pixels unchanged.',
                'images': [ 'yellow.png' ],
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.drawImage(document.getElementById('yellow.png'), 40, 40, 10, 10, 40, 50, 10, 10);
    @assert pixel 15,15 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, to_test(expected0), to_test(expected0)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % (to_cairo(expected0)),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('uncovered.nocontext', (255, 255, 0, 1.0), (0, 255, 255, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            if op not in ops_trans: continue
            expected0 = calc_output((0,0,0,0.0), dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'desc': 'drawImage() of a canvas with no context draws pixels as (0,0,0,0), and does not leave the pixels unchanged.',
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    var canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas');
    ctx.drawImage(canvas2, 0, 0);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, to_test(expected0)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % (to_cairo(expected0)),
            } )

    for (name, src, dest) in [ ('uncovered.pattern', (255, 255, 0, 1.0), (0, 255, 255, 0.5)) ]:
        for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
            if op not in ops_trans: continue
            expected0 = calc_output((0,0,0,0.0), dest, FA_code, FB_code)
            tests.append( {
                'name': '2d.composite.%s.%s' % (name, op),
                'desc': 'Pattern fill() draws pixels not covered by the source object as (0,0,0,0), and does not leave the pixels unchanged.',
                'images': [ 'yellow.png' ],
                'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(document.getElementById('yellow.png'), 'no-repeat');
    ctx.fillRect(0, 50, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 ==~ %s +/- 5;
    """ % (dest, op, to_test(expected0)),
                'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % (to_cairo(expected0)),
            } )

    for op, FA_code, FB_code in ops:
        tests.append( {
            'name': '2d.composite.clip.%s' % (op),
            'desc': 'fill() does not affect pixels outside the clip region.',
            'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    ctx.globalCompositeOperation = '%s';
    ctx.rect(-20, -20, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
    @assert pixel 25,25 == 0,255,0,255;
    @assert pixel 75,25 == 0,255,0,255;
    """ % (op),
                'expected': 'green'
        } )

- meta: |
    # Color parsing tests

    # Try most of the CSS3 Color <color> values -
    big_float = '1' + ('0' * 39)
    big_double = '1' + ('0' * 310)
    for name, string, r,g,b,a, notes in [
        ('html4', 'limE', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hex3', '#0f0', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hex4', '#0f0f', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hex6', '#00fF00', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hex8', '#00ff00ff', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgb-num', 'rgb(0,255,0)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgb-clamp-1', 'rgb(-1000, 1000, -1000)', 0,255,0,255, 'Assumes colors are clamped to [0,255].'),
        ('rgb-clamp-2', 'rgb(-200%, 200%, -200%)', 0,255,0,255, 'Assumes colors are clamped to [0,255].'),
        ('rgb-clamp-3', 'rgb(-2147483649, 4294967298, -18446744073709551619)', 0,255,0,255, 'Assumes colors are clamped to [0,255].'),
        ('rgb-clamp-4', 'rgb(-'+big_float+', '+big_float+', -'+big_float+')', 0,255,0,255, 'Assumes colors are clamped to [0,255].'),
        ('rgb-clamp-5', 'rgb(-'+big_double+', '+big_double+', -'+big_double+')', 0,255,0,255, 'Assumes colors are clamped to [0,255].'),
        ('rgb-percent', 'rgb(0% ,100% ,0%)', 0,255,0,255, 'CSS3 Color says "The integer value 255 corresponds to 100%". (In particular, it is not 254...)'),
        ('rgb-eof', 'rgb(0, 255, 0', 0,255,0,255, ""), # see CSS2.1 4.2 "Unexpected end of style sheet"
        ('rgba-solid-1', 'rgba(  0  ,  255  ,  0  ,  1  )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgba-solid-2', 'rgba(  0  ,  255  ,  0  ,  1.0  )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgba-solid-3', 'rgba(  0  ,  255  ,  0  , +1  )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgba-solid-4', 'rgba( -0  ,  255  , +0  ,  1  )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgba-num-1', 'rgba(  0  ,  255  ,  0  ,  .499  )', 0,255,0,127, ""),
        ('rgba-num-2', 'rgba(  0  ,  255  ,  0  ,  0.499  )', 0,255,0,127, ""),
        ('rgba-percent', 'rgba(0%,100%,0%,0.499)', 0,255,0,127, ""), # 0.499*255 rounds to 127, both down and nearest, so it should be safe
        ('rgba-clamp-1', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, -2)', 0,0,0,0, ""),
        ('rgba-clamp-2', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 2)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('rgba-eof', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 1', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('transparent-1', 'transparent', 0,0,0,0, ""),
        ('transparent-2', 'TrAnSpArEnT', 0,0,0,0, ""),
        ('hsl-1', 'hsl(120, 100%, 50%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-2', 'hsl( -240 , 100% , 50% )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-3', 'hsl(360120, 100%, 50%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-4', 'hsl(-360240, 100%, 50%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-5', 'hsl(120.0, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-6', 'hsl(+120, +100%, +50%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsl-clamp-negative-saturation', 'hsl(120, -200%, 49.9%)', 127,127,127,255, ""),
        ('hsla-1', 'hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 0.499)', 0,255,0,127, ""),
        ('hsla-2', 'hsla( 120.0 , 100.0% , 50.0% , 1 )', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsla-clamp-negative-saturation', 'hsla(120, -200%, 49.9%, 1)', 127,127,127,255, ""),
        ('hsla-clamp-alpha-1', 'hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 2)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('hsla-clamp-alpha-2', 'hsla(120, 100%, 0%, -2)', 0,0,0,0, ""),
        ('svg-1', 'gray', 128,128,128,255, ""),
        ('svg-2', 'grey', 128,128,128,255, ""),
        # css-color-4 rgb() color function
        ('css-color-4-rgb-1', 'rgb(0, 255.0, 0)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-2', 'rgb(0, 255, 0, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-3', 'rgb(0, 255, 0, 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-4', 'rgb(0 255 0)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-5', 'rgb(0 255 0 / 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-6', 'rgb(0 255 0 / 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-1', 'rgba(0, 255.0, 0)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-2', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-3', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-4', 'rgba(0 255 0)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-5', 'rgba(0 255 0 / 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-6', 'rgba(0 255 0 / 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        # css-color-4 hsl() color function
        ('css-color-4-hsl-1', 'hsl(120 100.0% 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-2', 'hsl(120 100.0% 50.0% / 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-3', 'hsl(120.0, 100.0%, 50.0%, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-4', 'hsl(120.0, 100.0%, 50.0%, 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-5', 'hsl(120deg, 100.0%, 50.0%, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-6', 'hsl(120deg, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-7', 'hsl(133.33333333grad, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-8', 'hsl(2.0943951024rad, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-9', 'hsl(0.3333333333turn, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-1', 'hsl(120 100.0% 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-2', 'hsl(120 100.0% 50.0% / 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-3', 'hsl(120.0, 100.0%, 50.0%, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-4', 'hsl(120.0, 100.0%, 50.0%, 20%)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-5', 'hsl(120deg, 100.0%, 50.0%, 0.2)', 0,255,0,51, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-6', 'hsl(120deg, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-7', 'hsl(133.33333333grad, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-8', 'hsl(2.0943951024rad, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-9', 'hsl(0.3333333333turn, 100.0%, 50.0%)', 0,255,0,255, ""),
        # currentColor is handled later
        # TODO: test by retrieving fillStyle, instead of actually drawing?
        # TODO: test strokeStyle, shadowColor in the same way
        test = {
            'name': '2d.fillStyle.parse.%s' % name,
            'notes': notes,
            'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillStyle = '%s';
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == %d,%d,%d,%d;
    """ % (string, r,g,b,a),
            'expected': """size 100 50
    cr.set_source_rgba(%f, %f, %f, %f)
    cr.rectangle(0, 0, 100, 50)
    """ % (r/255., g/255., b/255., a/255.),

    # Also test that invalid colors are ignored
    for name, string in [
        ('hex1', '#f'),
        ('hex2', '#f0'),
        ('hex3', '#g00'),
        ('hex4', '#fg00'),
        ('hex5', '#ff000'),
        ('hex6', '#fg0000'),
        ('hex7', '#ff0000f'),
        ('hex8', '#fg0000ff'),
        ('rgb-1', 'rgb(255.0, 0, 0,)'),
        ('rgb-2', 'rgb(100%, 0, 0)'),
        ('rgb-3', 'rgb(255, - 1, 0)'),
        ('rgba-1', 'rgba(100%, 0, 0, 1)'),
        ('rgba-2', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1. 0)'),
        ('rgba-3', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.)'),
        ('rgba-4', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, '),
        ('rgba-5', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1,)'),
        ('hsl-1', 'hsl(0%, 100%, 50%)'),
        ('hsl-2', 'hsl(z, 100%, 50%)'),
        ('hsl-3', 'hsl(0, 0, 50%)'),
        ('hsl-4', 'hsl(0, 100%, 0)'),
        ('hsl-5', 'hsl(0, 100.%, 50%)'),
        ('hsl-6', 'hsl(0, 100%, 50%,)'),
        ('hsla-1', 'hsla(0%, 100%, 50%, 1)'),
        ('hsla-2', 'hsla(0, 0, 50%, 1)'),
        ('hsla-3', 'hsla(0, 0, 50%, 1,)'),
        ('name-1', 'darkbrown'),
        ('name-2', 'firebrick1'),
        ('name-3', 'red blue'),
        ('name-4', '"red"'),
        ('name-5', '"red'),
        # css-color-4 color function
        #   comma and comma-less expressions should not mix together.
        ('css-color-4-rgb-1', 'rgb(255, 0, 0 / 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-2', 'rgb(255 0 0, 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-3', 'rgb(255, 0 0)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-1', 'rgba(255, 0, 0 / 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-2', 'rgba(255 0 0, 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgba-3', 'rgba(255, 0 0)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-1', 'hsl(0, 100%, 50% / 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-2', 'hsl(0 100% 50%, 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-3', 'hsl(0, 100% 50%)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-1', 'hsla(0, 100%, 50% / 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-2', 'hsla(0 100% 50%, 1)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsla-3', 'hsla(0, 100% 50%)'),
        #  trailing slash
        ('css-color-4-rgb-4', 'rgb(0 0 0 /)'),
        ('css-color-4-rgb-5', 'rgb(0, 0, 0 /)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-4', 'hsl(0 100% 50% /)'),
        ('css-color-4-hsl-5', 'hsl(0, 100%, 50% /)'),
        test = {
            'name': '2d.fillStyle.parse.invalid.%s' % name,
            'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0';
    try { ctx.fillStyle = '%s'; } catch (e) { } // this shouldn't throw, but it shouldn't matter here if it does
    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50);
    @assert pixel 50,25 == 0,255,0,255;
    """ % string,
            'expected': 'green'

    # Some can't have positive tests, only negative tests, because we don't know what color they're meant to be
    for name, string in [
        ('system', 'ThreeDDarkShadow'),
        #('flavor', 'flavor'), # removed from latest CSS3 Color drafts
        test = {
            'name': '2d.fillStyle.parse.%s' % name,
            'code': """
    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
    ctx.fillStyle = '%s';
    @assert ctx.fillStyle =~ /^#(?!(FF0000|ff0000|f00)$)/; // test that it's not red
    """ % (string,),