const executor_path = '/common/dispatcher/executor.html?pipe=';
const executor_worker_path = '/common/dispatcher/executor-worker.js?pipe=';
const executor_service_worker_path = '/common/dispatcher/executor-service-worker.js?pipe=';
const coep_none =
const coep_credentialless =
const coep_require_corp =
// COEP-Report-Only
const coep_report_only_credentialless =
const coop_same_origin =
const corp_cross_origin =
const cookie_same_site_none = ';SameSite=None;Secure';
// Test using the modern async/await primitives are easier to read/write.
// However they run sequentially, contrary to async_test. This is the parallel
// version, to avoid timing out.
let promise_test_parallel = (promise, description) => {
async_test(test => {
.then(() => test.done())
.catch(test.step_func(error => { throw error; }));
}, description);
// Add a cookie |cookie_key|=|cookie_value| on an |origin|.
// Note: cookies visibility depends on the path of the document. Those are set
// from a document from: /html/cross-origin-embedder-policy/credentialless/. So
// the cookie is visible to every path underneath.
const setCookie = async (origin, cookie_key, cookie_value) => {
const popup_token = token();
const popup_url = origin + executor_path + `&uuid=${popup_token}`;
const popup =;
const reply_token = token();
send(popup_token, `
document.cookie = "${cookie_key}=${cookie_value}";
send("${reply_token}", "done");
assert_equals(await receive(reply_token), "done");
let parseCookies = function(headers_json) {
if (!headers_json["cookie"])
return {};
return headers_json["cookie"]
.map(v => v.split('='))
.reduce((acc, v) => {
acc[v[0].trim()] = v[1].trim();
return acc;
}, {});
// Open a new window with a given |origin|, loaded with COEP:credentialless. The
// new document will execute any scripts sent toward the token it returns.
const newCredentiallessWindow = (origin) => {
const main_document_token = token();
const url = origin + executor_path + coep_credentialless +
const context =;
add_completion_callback(() => w.close());
return main_document_token;
// Create a new iframe, loaded with COEP:credentialless.
// The new document will execute any scripts sent toward the token it returns.
const newCredentiallessIframe = (parent_token, child_origin) => {
const sub_document_token = token();
const iframe_url = child_origin + executor_path + coep_credentialless +
send(parent_token, `
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "${iframe_url}";
return sub_document_token;
// A common interface for building the 4 type of execution contexts:
// It outputs: [
// - The token to communicate with the environment.
// - A promise resolved when the environment encounters an error.
// ]
const environments = {
document: headers => {
const tok = token();
const url = window.origin + executor_path + headers + `&uuid=${tok}`;
const context =;
add_completion_callback(() => context.close());
return [tok, new Promise(resolve => {})];
dedicated_worker: headers => {
const tok = token();
const url = window.origin + executor_worker_path + headers + `&uuid=${tok}`;
const context = new Worker(url);
return [tok, new Promise(resolve => context.onerror = resolve)];
shared_worker: headers => {
const tok = token();
const url = window.origin + executor_worker_path + headers + `&uuid=${tok}`;
const context = new SharedWorker(url);
return [tok, new Promise(resolve => context.onerror = resolve)];
service_worker: headers => {
const tok = token();
const url = window.origin + executor_worker_path + headers + `&uuid=${tok}`;
const scope = url; // Generate a one-time scope for service worker.
const error = new Promise(resolve => {
navigator.serviceWorker.register(url, {scope: scope})
.then(registration => {
add_completion_callback(() => registration.unregister());
}, /* catch */ resolve);
return [tok, error];