
<!doctype html>
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/service-workers/service-worker/resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
const {ORIGIN, REMOTE_ORIGIN} = get_host_info();
const BASE = new URL("resources", location).pathname
const FRAME_URL = `${ORIGIN}/common/blank.html` +
  '?pipe=header(cross-origin-embedder-policy,require-corp)' +
const WORKER_URL = `${ORIGIN}${BASE}/reporting-worker.js` +
  '?pipe=header(cross-origin-embedder-policy,require-corp)' +
const REPORTING_FRAME_URL = `${ORIGIN}${BASE}/reporting-empty-frame.html` +
  '?pipe=header(cross-origin-embedder-policy,require-corp)' +

async function observeReports(global, expected_count) {
  const reports = [];
  const receivedEveryReports = new Promise(resolve => {
    if (expected_count == 0)

    const observer = new global.ReportingObserver((rs) => {
      for (const r of rs) {
      if (expected_count <= reports.length)


  await receivedEveryReports;
  // Wait 500ms more to catch additionnal unexpected reports.
  await new Promise(r => step_timeout(r, 500));
  return reports;

function checkReport(report, contextUrl, blockedUrl, disposition, destination) {
  assert_equals(report.type, 'coep');
  assert_equals(report.url, contextUrl);
  assert_equals(report.body.type, 'corp');
  assert_equals(report.body.blockedURL, blockedUrl);
  assert_equals(report.body.disposition, disposition);
  assert_equals(report.body.destination, destination);

async function fetchInFrame(t, frameUrl, url, expected_count) {
  const frame = await with_iframe(frameUrl);
  t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove());

  const init = { mode: 'no-cors', cache: 'no-store' };
  let future_reports = observeReports(frame.contentWindow, expected_count);
  await frame.contentWindow.fetch(url, init).catch(() => {});

  return await future_reports;

async function fetchInWorker(workerOrPort, url) {
  const script =
    `fetch('${url}', {mode: 'no-cors', cache: 'no-store'}).catch(() => {});`;
  const mc = new MessageChannel();
  workerOrPort.postMessage({script, port: mc.port2}, [mc.port2]);
  return (await new Promise(r => mc.port1.onmessage = r)).data;

// We want to test several URLs in various environments (document,
// dedicated worker, shared worser, service worker). As expectations
// are independent of environment except for the context URLs in reports,
// we define ENVIRONMENTS and CASES to reduce the code duplication.
// ENVIRONMENTS is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary consists of:
//  - tag: the name of the environment
//  - contextUrl: the URL of the environment settings object
//  - run: an async function which generates reports
//    - test: a testharness Test object
//    - url: the URL for a test case (see below)
// CASES is a list of test cases. Each test case consists of:
//  - name: the name of the test case
//  - url: the URL of the test case
//  - check: a function to check the results
//    - reports: the generated reports
//    - url: the URL of the test case
//    - contextUrl: the URL of the environment settings object (see
//                  ENVORONMENTS)

  tag: 'document',
  contextUrl: FRAME_URL,
  run: async (test, url, expected_count) => {
    return await fetchInFrame(test, FRAME_URL, url, expected_count);
}, {
  tag: 'dedicated worker',
  contextUrl: WORKER_URL,
  run: async (test, url, expected_count) => {
    const worker = new Worker(WORKER_URL);
    worker.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func('Worker.onerror'));
    test.add_cleanup(() => worker.terminate());
    return await fetchInWorker(worker, url);
}, {
  tag: 'shared worker',
  contextUrl: WORKER_URL,
  run: async (test, url, expected_count) => {
    const worker = new SharedWorker(WORKER_URL);
    worker.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func('Worker.onerror'));
    return await fetchInWorker(worker.port, url);
}, {
  tag: 'service worker',
  contextUrl: WORKER_URL,
  run: async (test, url, expected_count) => {
    // As we don't want the service worker to control any page, generate a
    // one-time scope.
    const SCOPE = new URL(`resources/${token()}.html`, location).pathname;
    const reg =
      await service_worker_unregister_and_register(test, WORKER_URL, SCOPE);
    test.add_cleanup(() => reg.unregister());
    const worker = reg.installing || reg.waiting ||;
    worker.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func('Worker.onerror'));
    return await fetchInWorker(worker, url);
}, {
  tag: 'between service worker and page',
  run: async (test, url, expected_count) => {
    // Here we use a Service Worker without COEP.
    const WORKER_URL = `${ORIGIN}${BASE}/sw.js`;
    const reg = await service_worker_unregister_and_register(
    test.add_cleanup(() => reg.unregister());
    const worker = reg.installing || reg.waiting ||;
    worker.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func('Worker.onerror'));
    return await fetchInFrame(
      test, REPORTING_FRAME_URL, url, expected_count);

const CASES = [{
  name: 'same-origin',
  url: '/common/text-plain.txt',
  expected_count: 0,
  check: (reports, url, contextUrl) => {}
}, {
  name: 'blocked by CORP: same-origin',
  url: `${REMOTE_ORIGIN}${BASE}/nothing-same-origin-corp.txt`,
  expected_count: 0,
  check: (reports, url, contextUrl) => {}
}, {
  name: 'blocked due to COEP',
  url: `${REMOTE_ORIGIN}/common/text-plain.txt`,
  expected_count: 2,
  check: (reports, contextUrl, url) => {
    checkReport(reports[0], contextUrl, url, 'reporting', '');
    checkReport(reports[1], contextUrl, url, 'enforce', '');
}, {
  name: 'blocked during redirect',
  url: `${ORIGIN}/common/` +
   expected_count: 2,
  check: (reports, contextUrl, url) => {
    checkReport(reports[0], contextUrl, url, 'reporting', '');
    checkReport(reports[1], contextUrl, url, 'enforce', '');

for (const env of ENVIRONMENTS) {
  for (const testcase of CASES) {
    promise_test(async (t) => {
      const reports = await
        t, testcase.url, testcase.expected_count);

      assert_equals(reports.length, testcase.expected_count);
      testcase.check(reports, env.contextUrl, testcase.url);
    }, `[${env.tag}] ${}`);

// A test for a non-empty destination.
promise_test(async (t) => {
  const frame = await with_iframe(FRAME_URL);
  t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove());

  const url = `${REMOTE_ORIGIN}/common/utils.js`;
  const script = frame.contentDocument.createElement('script');
  script.src = url;
  const future_reports = observeReports(frame.contentWindow, 2);

  const reports = await future_reports;
  assert_equals(reports.length, 2);
  checkReport(reports[0], FRAME_URL, url, 'reporting', 'script');
  checkReport(reports[1], FRAME_URL, url, 'enforce', 'script');
}, 'destination: script');
