// META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js
// META: script=/common/utils.js
// This file consists of tests for COEP reporting using Reporting-Endpoints
// header. It exclusively tests that reports can be sent to Reporting-Endpoint
// configured endpoint.
const { REMOTE_ORIGIN } = get_host_info();
const REPORT_ENDPOINT = token();
const REPORT_ONLY_ENDPOINT = token();
const FRAME_URL = `resources/reporting-empty-frame.html` +
`?pipe=header(cross-origin-embedder-policy,require-corp;report-to="endpoint")` +
`|header(cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-only,require-corp;report-to="report-only-endpoint")` +
`|header(reporting-endpoints, endpoint="/html/cross-origin-embedder-policy/resources/report.py?key=${REPORT_ENDPOINT}"\\, report-only-endpoint="/html/cross-origin-embedder-policy/resources/report.py?key=${REPORT_ONLY_ENDPOINT}")`;
function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, ms));
async function fetchReports(endpoint) {
const res = await fetch(`resources/report.py?key=${endpoint}`, {
cache: 'no-store'
if (res.status == 200) {
return await res.json();
return [];
async function fetchCoepReport(
endpoint, type, blockedUrl, contextUrl, disposition) {
blockedUrl = new URL(blockedUrl, location).href;
contextUrl = new URL(contextUrl, location).href;
const reports = await fetchReports(endpoint);
return reports.find(r => (
r.type == 'coep' &&
r.url == contextUrl &&
r.body.type == type &&
r.body.blockedURL === blockedUrl &&
r.body.disposition === disposition));
async function checkCorpReportExists(
endpoint, blockedUrl, contextUrl, destination, disposition) {
blockedUrl = new URL(blockedUrl, location).href;
contextUrl = new URL(contextUrl, location).href;
const report = await fetchCoepReport(
endpoint, 'corp', blockedUrl, contextUrl, disposition);
`A corp report with blockedURL ${blockedUrl.split("?")[0]} ` +
`and url ${contextUrl} is not found.`);
assert_equals(report.body.destination, destination);
async function checkNavigationReportExists(
endpoint, blockedUrl, contextUrl, disposition) {
blockedUrl = new URL(blockedUrl, location).href;
contextUrl = new URL(contextUrl, location).href;
const report = await fetchCoepReport(
endpoint, 'navigation', blockedUrl, contextUrl, disposition);
`A navigation report with blockedURL ${blockedUrl.split("?")[0]} ` +
`and url ${contextUrl} is not found.`);
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
iframe.src = FRAME_URL;
await new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.addEventListener('load', resolve, { once: true });
const url = `${REMOTE_ORIGIN}/common/text-plain.txt?${token()}`;
const init = { mode: 'no-cors', cache: 'no-store' };
// The response comes from cross-origin, and doesn't have a CORP
// header, so it is blocked.
iframe.contentWindow.fetch(url, init).catch(() => { });
// Wait for reports to be uploaded.
await wait(1000);
await checkCorpReportExists(
REPORT_ENDPOINT, url, iframe.src, '', 'enforce');
await checkCorpReportExists(
REPORT_ONLY_ENDPOINT, url, iframe.src, '', 'reporting');
}, 'subresource CORP');
promise_test(async t => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
iframe.src = FRAME_URL;
await new Promise(resolve => {
iframe.addEventListener('load', resolve, { once: true });
const url = `${REMOTE_ORIGIN}/common/blank.html?${token()}`;
// The nested frame comes from cross-origin and doesn't have a CORP
// header, so it is blocked.
const nested = iframe.contentWindow.document.createElement('iframe');
nested.src = url;
// Wait for reports to be uploaded.
await wait(1000);
await checkCorpReportExists(
REPORT_ENDPOINT, url, iframe.src, 'iframe', 'enforce');
await checkCorpReportExists(
REPORT_ONLY_ENDPOINT, url, iframe.src, 'iframe', 'reporting');
}, 'navigation CORP on cross origin');
promise_test(async (t) => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
t.add_cleanup(() => iframe.remove());
iframe.src = FRAME_URL;
const targetUrl = `/common/blank.html?${token()}`;
iframe.addEventListener('load', t.step_func(() => {
const nested = iframe.contentDocument.createElement('iframe');
nested.src = targetUrl;
// |nested| doesn't have COEP whereas |iframe| has, so it is blocked.
}), { once: true });
// Wait for reports to be uploaded.
await wait(1000);
await checkNavigationReportExists(
REPORT_ENDPOINT, targetUrl, iframe.src, 'enforce');
await checkNavigationReportExists(
REPORT_ONLY_ENDPOINT, targetUrl, iframe.src, 'reporting');
}, 'navigation CORP on same origin');