
<!doctype html>
    Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: opener is lost because the opener navigates.
    COOP tests usually assume that the opener is lost because it navigated to a
    page that triggered a browsing context group swap. It can also happen when
    the opener navigates instead. This test verifies the behavior.
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="resources/common.js"></script>

const executor_path = "/common/dispatcher/executor.html?pipe=";
const coop_same_origin_header =
const coop_unsafe_none_header =

function getExecutorPath(uuid, origin, coop_header) {
    return origin.origin + executor_path + coop_header  + `&uuid=${uuid}`;

// Note: Because we can not navigate the main page to verify the behavior,
// we instead create another layer of popup, and navigate the intermediate
// one. We can verify the opener behavior from this page, and the openee
// behavior from the second popup.
promise_test(async t => {
  // Set up dispatcher communications.
  const first_popup_token = token();
  const post_navigate_first_popup_token = token();
  const second_popup_token = token();
  const reply_token = token();

  const first_popup_url = getExecutorPath(

  const post_navigate_first_popup_url = getExecutorPath(

  const second_popup_url = getExecutorPath(

  // We open the first popup and then ping it, it will respond after loading.
  const first_popup =;
  send(first_popup_token, `send('${reply_token}', 'Popup loaded');`);
  assert_equals(await receive(reply_token), "Popup loaded");

  // We open the second popup and the ping it, it will respond after loading.
      `opener.second_popup_url ='${second_popup_url}');`);
  send(second_popup_token, `send('${reply_token}', 'Popup loaded');`);
  assert_equals(await receive(reply_token), "Popup loaded");

  // Both popups are now loaded. We navigate the middle one to a page that
  // does not have COOP, this should trigger a browsing context group swap.
  send(first_popup_token, `location.href = '${post_navigate_first_popup_url}'`);
    `send('${reply_token}', 'Popup navigated');`);
  assert_equals(await receive(reply_token), "Popup navigated");

  // Give some time for things to settle across processes etc. before
  // proceeding with verifications.
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { t.step_timeout(resolve, 1500); });

  // The reference held by the main page to the first popup should be closed.
  assert_equals(first_popup.closed, true);

  // The second popup, opened by the first one should have its opener unset.
  send(second_popup_token, `send('${reply_token}', opener);`);
  assert_equals(await receive(reply_token), "");

}, "Verify that having the opener navigate instead of the openee also triggers COOP swaps.");