
  Tests the redirect interaction with COOP same-origin-allow-popups.
<meta name=timeout content=long>
<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
<script src=/common/get-host-info.sub.js></script>
<script src="/common/utils.js"></script>
<script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script>
<script src="/html/cross-origin-opener-policy/reporting/resources/reporting-common.js"></script>

const directory = "/html/cross-origin-opener-policy";
const same_origin = {
  host: get_host_info().HTTPS_ORIGIN,
  name: "Same origin"
const cross_origin = {
  host: get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN,
  name: "Cross origin"

// Tests the redirect interaction with COOP same-origin-allow-popups and
// reporting:
// 1 - open the opener document on origin same_origin with COOP
// same-origin-allow-popups.
// 2 - opener opens popup with document on origin popup_origin, no COOP and a
// redirect header (HTTP 302, location).
// 3 - redirection to a document with origin same_origin and COOP
// same-origin-allow-popups.
// The navigation (2) to the first document of the popup stays in the same
// browsing context group due to the same-origin-allow-popups COOP of the
// opener.
// The redirect (3) to the final document does since it compares the
// popup_origin/unsafe-none document with the
// same-origin/same-origin-allow-popups document.
// A opens B, B redirects to C.
// Document  Origin        COOP
// --------  ------------  ------------------------
// A         same-origin   same-origin-allow-popups
// B         popup-origin  unsafe-none
// C         same-origin   same-origin-allow-popups
function redirect_test( popup_origin ) {
  promise_test(async t => {
    // The test window.
    const this_window_token = token();

    // The "opener" window. This has COOP same-origin-allow-popups and a
    // reporter.
    const opener_report_token = reportToken();
    const opener_token = token();
    const opener_reportTo = reportingEndpointsHeaders(opener_report_token);
    const opener_url = + executor_path +
      opener_reportTo.header + opener_reportTo.coopSameOriginAllowPopupsHeader +

    // The "openee" window.
    // The initial document does not have COOP and is on popup_origin, it
    // redirects to a same-origin (with the opener) document with COOP
    // same-origin-allow-popups.
    const openee_token = token();
    const openee_redirect_url = + executor_path +
      opener_reportTo.header + opener_reportTo.coopSameOriginAllowPopupsHeader +
    const redirect_header = 'status(302)' +
          .replace(/,/g, "\\,")
          .replace(/\\\\,/g, "\\\\\\,")
          .replace(/\(/g, "%28")
          .replace(/\)/g, "%29"))})`;
    const openee_url = + executor_path + redirect_header +
    // 1. Create the opener window.
    let opener_window_proxy =;
    t.add_cleanup(() => send(opener_token, "window.close()"));

    // 2. The opener opens its openee.
    send(opener_token, `
      openee ="${openee_url}");
    t.add_cleanup(() => send(openee_token, "window.close()"));

    // 3. Check the opener status on the openee.
    send(openee_token, `
      send("${this_window_token}", opener !== null);
    assert_equals(await receive(this_window_token), "false", "opener");

    // 4. Check the openee status on the opener.
    send(opener_token, `
      send("${this_window_token}", openee.closed);
    assert_equals(await receive(this_window_token), "true", "openee.closed");

    // 5. Check a report sent to the openee.
    let report = await receiveReport(
    assert_equals(report.type, "coop");
    assert_equals(report.body.disposition, "enforce");
    assert_equals(report.body.effectivePolicy, "same-origin-allow-popups");
  }, `${} openee redirected to same-origin with same-origin-allow-popups`);
