// To use the functions below, be sure to include the following files in your
// test:
// - "/common/get-host-info.sub.js" to get the different origin values.
const SAME_ORIGIN = {origin: get_host_info().HTTPS_ORIGIN, name: "SAME_ORIGIN"};
const SAME_SITE = {origin: get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN, name: "SAME_SITE"};
const CROSS_ORIGIN = {origin: get_host_info().HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN, name: "CROSS_ORIGIN"}
function addScriptAndTriggerOnload(src, onload){
return `script = document.createElement("script");
script.src= "${src}" ;
script.onload = () => {
function verify_window(callback, w, hasOpener) {
// If there's no opener, the w must be closed:
assert_equals(w.closed, !hasOpener, 'w.closed');
// Opener's access on w.length is possible only if hasOpener:
assert_equals(w.length, hasOpener? 1: 0, 'w.length');
function validate_results(callback, test, w, channelName, hasOpener, openerDOMAccess, payload) {
assert_equals(payload.name, hasOpener ? channelName : "", 'name');
assert_equals(payload.opener, hasOpener, 'opener');
// TODO(zcorpan): add openerDOMAccess expectations to all tests
if (openerDOMAccess !== undefined) {
assert_equals(payload.openerDOMAccess, openerDOMAccess, 'openerDOMAccess');
// The window proxy in Chromium might still reflect the previous frame,
// until its unloaded. This delays the verification of w here.
if( !w.closed && w.length == 0) {
test.step_timeout( () => {
verify_window(callback, w, hasOpener);
}, 500);
} else {
verify_window(callback, w, hasOpener);
// Note: This function is deprecated and should not be used by new tests.
// Instead, use `dispatcher_url_test()`.
function url_test(t, url, channelName, hasOpener, openerDOMAccess, callback) {
if (callback === undefined) {
callback = () => { t.done(); };
const bc = new BroadcastChannel(channelName);
bc.onmessage = t.step_func(event => {
const payload = event.data;
validate_results(callback, t, w, channelName, hasOpener, openerDOMAccess, payload);
const w = window.open(url, channelName);
// Close the popup once the test is complete.
// The browsing context might be closed hence use the broadcast channel
// to trigger the closure.
t.add_cleanup(() => {
// Similar to `url_test()` above except that this uses a dispatcher instead of
// BroadcastChannel (useful in cases where the context we are testing in is a
// third-party iframe that doesn't share a partition with the top-level
// site).
async function dispatcher_url_test(t, url, responseToken, iframeToken, hasOpener, openerDOMAccess, callback) {
const w = window.open(url, responseToken);
// Close the popup once the test is complete.
// The browsing context might be closed hence we'll have the iframe trigger
// the closure by sending it a 'close' message.
t.add_cleanup(async () => {
await send(iframeToken, "close");
var payload = await receive(responseToken);
payload = JSON.parse(payload);
validate_results(callback, t, w, responseToken, hasOpener, openerDOMAccess, payload);