var formElements = {
form: {
acceptCharset: {type: "string", domAttrName: "accept-charset"},
// "action" has magic hard-coded in reflection.js
action: "url",
autocomplete: {type: "enum", keywords: ["on", "off"], defaultVal: "on"},
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encoding: {type: "enum", keywords: ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"], defaultVal: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", domAttrName: "enctype"},
method: {type: "enum", keywords: ["get", "post", "dialog"], defaultVal: "get"},
name: "string",
noValidate: "boolean",
target: "string",
fieldset: {
disabled: "boolean",
name: "string",
legend: {
// Obsolete
align: "string",
label: {
htmlFor: {type: "string", domAttrName: "for"},
input: {
// Conforming
accept: "string",
alt: "string",
autocomplete: {type: "string", customGetter: true},
defaultChecked: {type: "boolean", domAttrName: "checked"},
dirName: "string",
disabled: "boolean",
// "formAction" has magic hard-coded in reflection.js
formAction: "url",
formEnctype: {type: "enum", keywords: ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"], invalidVal: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
formMethod: {type: "enum", keywords: ["get", "post"], invalidVal: "get"},
formNoValidate: "boolean",
formTarget: "string",
height: {type: "unsigned long", customGetter: true},
max: "string",
maxLength: "limited long",
min: "string",
minLength: "limited long",
multiple: "boolean",
name: "string",
pattern: "string",
placeholder: "string",
readOnly: "boolean",
required: "boolean",
size: {type: "limited unsigned long", defaultVal: 20},
src: "url",
step: "string",
type: {type: "enum", keywords: ["hidden", "text", "search", "tel",
"url", "email", "password", "date",
"time", "datetime-local", "number", "range", "color", "checkbox",
"radio", "file", "submit", "image", "reset", "button"], defaultVal:
width: {type: "unsigned long", customGetter: true},
defaultValue: {type: "string", domAttrName: "value"},
// Obsolete
align: "string",
useMap: "string",
button: {
disabled: "boolean",
// "formAction" has magic hard-coded in reflection.js
formAction: "url",
formEnctype: {type: "enum", keywords: ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"], invalidVal: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
formMethod: {type: "enum", keywords: ["get", "post", "dialog"], invalidVal: "get"},
formNoValidate: "boolean",
formTarget: "string",
name: "string",
type: {type: "enum", keywords: ["submit", "reset", "button"], defaultVal: "submit"},
value: "string"
select: {
autocomplete: {type: "string", customGetter: true},
disabled: "boolean",
multiple: "boolean",
name: "string",
required: "boolean",
size: {type: "unsigned long", defaultVal: 0},
datalist: {},
optgroup: {
disabled: "boolean",
label: "string",
option: {
disabled: "boolean",
label: {type: "string", customGetter: true},
defaultSelected: {type: "boolean", domAttrName: "selected"},
value: {type: "string", customGetter: true},
textarea: {
autocomplete: {type: "string", customGetter: true},
cols: {type: "limited unsigned long with fallback", defaultVal: 20},
dirName: "string",
disabled: "boolean",
maxLength: "limited long",
minLength: "limited long",
name: "string",
placeholder: "string",
readOnly: "boolean",
required: "boolean",
rows: {type: "limited unsigned long with fallback", defaultVal: 2},
wrap: "string",
output: {
htmlFor: {type: "settable tokenlist", domAttrName: "for" },
name: "string",
progress: {
max: {type: "limited double", defaultVal: 1.0},
meter: {
value: {type: "double", customGetter: true},
min: {type: "double", customGetter: true},
max: {type: "double", customGetter: true},
low: {type: "double", customGetter: true},
high: {type: "double", customGetter: true},
optimum: {type: "double", customGetter: true},