<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>dataset: should exist and work on HTML and SVG elements, but not random elements</title>
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var div = document.createElement("div");
test(function() {
assert_true(div.dataset instanceof DOMStringMap);
}, "HTML elements should have a .dataset");
test(function() {
assert_false("foo" in div.dataset);
assert_equals(div.dataset.foo, undefined);
}, "Should return 'undefined' before setting an attribute")
test(function() {
div.setAttribute("data-foo", "value");
assert_true("foo" in div.dataset);
assert_equals(div.dataset.foo, "value");
}, "Should return 'value' if that's the value")
test(function() {
div.setAttribute("data-foo", "");
assert_true("foo" in div.dataset);
assert_equals(div.dataset.foo, "");
}, "Should return the empty string if that's the value")
test(function() {
assert_false("foo" in div.dataset);
assert_equals(div.dataset.foo, undefined);
}, "Should return 'undefined' after removing an attribute")
test(function() {
assert_equals(document.createElementNS("test", "test").dataset, undefined);
}, "Should not have a .dataset on random elements");
test(function() {
var svg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg")
assert_true(svg.dataset instanceof DOMStringMap);
}, "SVG elements should have a .dataset");