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<title>The dir attribute: isolated from surrounding text, same direction</title>
<link rel='author' title='Richard Ishida' href='mailto:[email protected]'>
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<meta name='assert' content="Element content with a dir attribute is treated as a neutral character and directionally isolated from surrounding text.">
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<p class="instructions" dir="ltr">Test passes if the two boxes are identical.</p>
<!-- Key to entities used below:
&#x5d0; ... &#x5d5; - The first six Hebrew letters (strongly RTL).
&#x202d; - The LRO (left-to-right-override) formatting character.
&#x202c; - The PDF (pop directional formatting) formatting character; closes LRO.
If the BDI in the test's first DIV were a SPAN, its b would prevent the &#x5d0; and the &#x5d1;
from forming a single RTL run and thus keep the &gt;s between from being mirrored into &lt;s.
<div class="test">
<div dir="ltr">&#x5d0; &gt; <span dir="ltr">&gt; b &gt;</span> &gt; &#x5d2;...</div>
<div dir="rtl">a &gt; <span dir="rtl">&gt; &#x5d1; &gt;</span> &gt; c...</div>
<div class="ref">
<div dir="ltr">&#x202d;&#x5d2; &lt; &gt; b &gt; &lt; &#x5d0;...&#x202c;</div>
<div dir="rtl">&#x202d;...a &gt; &lt; &#x5d1; &lt; &gt; c&#x202c;</div>