<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>outerText setter test</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<li>A <span id="testReplacePrevious">B</span></li>
<li><span id="testReplaceFollowing">A</span> B</li>
<li>A <span id="testReplaceBoth">B</span> C</li>
<li><span id="testRemove">Testing</span> removing node using outerText.</li>
<li><span id="testNewlines">Replace this child with lots of newlines</span></li>
<div id="container"></div>
"use strict";
test(() => {
const node = document.getElementById("testReplacePrevious");
const parent = node.parentNode;
node.outerText = "Replaced";
assert_equals(parent.innerHTML, "A Replaced");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes.length, 1, "It got merged with the previous text node");
}, "Replacing a node and merging with the previous text node");
test(() => {
const node = document.getElementById("testReplaceFollowing");
const parent = node.parentNode;
node.outerText = "Replaced";
assert_equals(parent.innerHTML, "Replaced B");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes.length, 1, "It got merged with the following text node");
}, "Replacing a node and merging with the following text node");
test(() => {
const node = document.getElementById("testReplaceBoth");
const parent = node.parentNode;
node.outerText = "Replaced";
assert_equals(parent.innerHTML, "A Replaced C");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes.length, 1, "It got merged with the previous and following text node");
}, "Replacing a node and merging with the previous and following text node");
test(t => {
const container = document.getElementById("container");
t.add_cleanup(() => { container.textContent = ""; });
container.append("A", "B", document.createElement("span"), "D", "E");
assert_equals(container.childNodes.length, 5, "Precondition check: five separate nodes");
const node = container.childNodes[2];
node.outerText = "Replaced";
assert_equals(container.innerHTML, "ABReplacedDE");
assert_equals(container.childNodes.length, 3, "It got merged with the previous and following text node");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[0].data, "A");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[1].data, "BReplacedD");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[2].data, "E");
}, "Only merges with the previous and following text nodes, does not completely normalize");
test(t => {
const container = document.getElementById("container");
t.add_cleanup(() => { container.textContent = ""; });
const node = container.childNodes[0];
node.outerText = "";
assert_equals(container.childNodes.length, 1, "Creates text node for the empty string");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[0].data, "");
}, "Empty string");
test(t => {
const container = document.getElementById("container");
t.add_cleanup(() => { container.textContent = ""; });
container.append("1", "2", document.createElement("span"), "3", "4");
const node = container.childNodes[2];
node.outerText = "";
assert_equals(container.childNodes.length, 3, "It got merged with the previous and following text node");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[0].data, "1");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[1].data, "23");
assert_equals(container.childNodes[2].data, "4");
}, "Empty string with surrounding text nodes");
test(t => {
const node = document.getElementById("testNewlines");
const parent = node.parentNode;
node.outerText = "\n\r\n\r";
assert_equals(parent.innerHTML, "<br><br><br>");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes.length, 3);
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0].localName, "br", "node 1");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[1].localName, "br", "node 2");
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[2].localName, "br", "node 3");
}, "Setting outerText to a bunch of newlines creates a bunch of <br>s with no text nodes");
test(() => {
const node = document.getElementById("testRemove");
const parent = node.parentNode;
node.outerText = "";
assert_equals(parent.innerHTML, " removing node using outerText.");
}, "Removing a node");
test(() => {
const node = document.createElement("span");
assert_throws_dom("NoModificationAllowedError", () => { node.outerText = ""; });
}, "Detached node");
testText("<div>", "abc", "abc", "Simplest possible test");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\ndef", "abc<br>def", "Newlines convert to <br> in non-white-space:pre elements");
testHTML("<pre>", "abc\ndef", "abc<br>def", "Newlines convert to <br> in <pre> element");
testHTML("<textarea>", "abc\ndef", "abc<br>def", "Newlines convert to <br> in <textarea> element");
testHTML("<div style='white-space:pre'>", "abc\ndef", "abc<br>def", "Newlines convert to <br> in white-space:pre element");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\rdef", "abc<br>def", "CRs convert to <br> in non-white-space:pre elements");
testHTML("<pre>", "abc\rdef", "abc<br>def", "CRs convert to <br> in <pre> element");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\r\ndef", "abc<br>def", "Newline/CR pair converts to <br> in non-white-space:pre element");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\n\ndef", "abc<br><br>def", "Newline/newline pair converts to two <br>s in non-white-space:pre element");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\r\rdef", "abc<br><br>def", "CR/CR pair converts to two <br>s in non-white-space:pre element");
testHTML("<div style='white-space:pre'>", "abc\rdef", "abc<br>def", "CRs convert to <br> in white-space:pre element");
testText("<div>", "abc<def", "abc<def", "< preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc>def", "abc>def", "> preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc&", "abc&", "& preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc\"def", "abc\"def", "\" preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc\'def", "abc\'def", "\' preserved");
testHTML("<svg>", "abc", "<svg></svg>", "outerText not supported on SVG elements");
testHTML("<math>", "abc", "<math></math>", "outerText not supported on MathML elements");
testText("<div>", "abc\0def", "abc\0def", "Null characters preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc\tdef", "abc\tdef", "Tabs preserved");
testText("<div>", " abc", " abc", "Leading whitespace preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc ", "abc ", "Trailing whitespace preserved");
testText("<div>", "abc def", "abc def", "Whitespace not compressed");
testText("<div>abc\n\n", "abc", "abc", "Existing text deleted");
testText("<div><br>", "abc", "abc", "Existing <br> deleted");
testHTML("<div>", "", "", "Assigning the empty string");
testHTML("<div>", null, "", "Assigning null");
testHTML("<div>", undefined, "undefined", "Assigning undefined");
testHTML("<div>", "\rabc", "<br>abc", "Start with CR");
testHTML("<div>", "\nabc", "<br>abc", "Start with LF");
testHTML("<div>", "\r\nabc", "<br>abc", "Start with CRLF");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\r", "abc<br>", "End with CR");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\n", "abc<br>", "End with LF");
testHTML("<div>", "abc\r\n", "abc<br>", "End with CRLF");
function testText(startingHTML, outerText, expected, description) {
test(t => {
const container = document.getElementById("container");
t.add_cleanup(() => { container.textContent = ""; });
container.innerHTML = startingHTML;
const elementToReplace = container.firstElementChild;
elementToReplace.outerText = outerText;
assert_equals(container.textContent, expected);
}, description);
function testHTML(startingHTML, outerText, expected, description) {
test(t => {
const container = document.getElementById("container");
t.add_cleanup(() => { container.textContent = ""; });
container.innerHTML = startingHTML;
const elementToReplace = container.firstElementChild;
elementToReplace.outerText = outerText;
assert_equals(container.innerHTML, expected);
}, description);