<!doctype html>
<title>USVString test relate to url</title>
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// Unpaired surrogate codepoints present in USVString are replaced
// with U+FFFD. %EF%BF%BD is UTF-8 encoding of U+FFFD.
'use strict';
test(() => {
location.hash = '\uD999';
assert_equals(location.hash, '#%EF%BF%BD');
}, "location.hash : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD");
test(() => {
var w = window.open("about:blank#\uD800");
assert_equals(w.location.href, 'about:blank#%EF%BF%BD');
w.location.href = 'about:blank#\uD999';
assert_equals(w.location.href, 'about:blank#%EF%BF%BD');
}, "location.href : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD");
test(() => {
var w = window.open("about:blank#\uD800");
assert_equals(w.location.hash, '#%EF%BF%BD');
}, "window.open : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD");
test(() => {
var w = document.open("about:blank#\uD800", "", "");
assert_equals(w.location.hash, '#%EF%BF%BD');
}, "document.open : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD");
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("a");
element.ping = '\uD989';
assert_equals(element.ping, '\uFFFD');
}, "anchor : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("area");
element.ping = '\uDA99';
assert_equals(element.ping, '\uFFFD');
}, "area : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("base");
element.href = '\uD989';
assert_equals(element.href.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
}, "base : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var src = new EventSource('\uD899');
assert_equals(src.url.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
}, "EventSource : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("frame");
element.src = '\uDCA9';
element.longDesc = '\uDCA8';
assert_equals(element.src.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
assert_equals(element.longDesc.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
}, "frame : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("iframe");
element.src = '\uDC89';
element.longDesc = '\uDC88';
assert_equals(element.src.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
assert_equals(element.longDesc.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
}, "iframe : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("link");
element.href = '\uDB89';
assert_equals(element.href.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
}, "link : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var element = document.createElement("source");
element.src = '\uDDDD';
element.srcset = '\uD800';
assert_equals(element.src.endsWith('%EF%BF%BD'), true);
assert_equals(element.srcset, '\uFFFD');
}, "source : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
const event = new StorageEvent('storage', {
url: window.location.href + '\uD999',
assert_equals(event.url, window.location.href + "\uFFFD");
}, "storage event : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
var wsocket = new EventSource('ws://www.example.com/socketserve\uD899/');
}, "websocket url : unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
test(() => {
try {
} catch (e) {
}, "sendBeacon URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions.")
test(() => {
// This shouldn't throw an exception.
window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler('web+myprotocol', "custom-scheme\uD800/url=%s", "title");
}, "RegisterProtocolHandler URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions.")
test(() => {
// This shouldn't throw an exception.
window.navigator.unregisterProtocolHandler('web+myprotocol', "custom-scheme\uD800/url=%s");
}, "UnregisterProtocolHandler URL: unpaired surrogate codepoint should not make any exceptions.")
test(() => {
var w = window.open("about:blank#\uD800");
assert_equals(w.document.URL, 'about:blank#%EF%BF%BD');
assert_equals(w.document.documentURI, 'about:blank#%EF%BF%BD');
}, "Document URLs: unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD")
promise_test(t => {
const sendString = 'hello\uD999';
const receiveString = 'hello\uFFFD';
return createDataChannelPair(t, {})
.then(([channel1, channel2]) => {
return awaitMessage(channel2)
}).then(message => {
assert_equals(typeof message, 'string',
'Expect message to be a string');
assert_equals(message, receiveString);
}, "RTCDataChannel.send: unpaired surrogate codepoint should be replaced with U+FFFD.")